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“Hey, we’re heading there now,” she said. “What do you mean you’re coming too? You don’t like plays.”

Tess blinked at me. I shrugged. We’d told him this afternoon that we had plans for the evening and a spare ticket.

“Mmm, sure, we’ll wait for you in front.” Pocketing her phone, she glanced at me. “What’s up with Cole?”

“No clue, but we’ll find out soon enough.”

As we waited in front of the venue, Cole joined us. We still had twenty minutes until the play started, so we headed to a street vendor and indulged in our guilty pleasure, hot dogs. I ordered mine with extra ketchup and mustard. Cole was suspiciously silent as we headed back outside, standing as we devoured our food.

“What do you think?” Tess asked me in a conspiratorial tone. “Cole wants advice? Consolation?”

I surveyed my brother, trying to get a feel for the situation. There was something different about him.

“Maybe I just want to enjoy an evening with my sisters,” he said playfully, mustard dripping down his chin.

Tess whirled a finger at him. “You would’ve just offered to join us for drinks afterward. Instead you’re willing to suffer through a play.”

“Okay, maybe you’re right,” Cole admitted. I handed him a napkin, indicating his chin, and he wiped himself clean.

Tess clapped her hands, nearly dropping her hot dog.

I giggled at my sister’s enthusiasm, then asked Cole, “How can we help?”

“I don’t recognize myself.”

Tess and I glanced at one another in awe.


“There’s this woman I met recently....” He shook his head.

“What’s the trouble?” I pressed.

“I keep asking her out. She turns me down. My womanizer reputation isn’t doing me any favors,” he said.

This was so different to Cole’s MO, all cocky swagger and an extra dose of confidence, that I was thrown off.

“Ouch. Honestly, I’m not sure how to fix that.”

Cole glared at me, finished up the last of his hot dog, then said, “You’re no help.”

Tess held up a finger. “Let’s think about this from another perspective. If I were in her shoes, and some guy with a shady reputation asked me out, I’d be reluctant too. But, if he proved he really did just want me... maybe I’d give it a shot.”

“Prove how?” Cole asked as I grabbed our trash and threw it into a nearby can.

“You know, by not being flirty with everyone in sight, things like that.”

“Tell us about her,” I encouraged. “Maybe then we can give you more tips on how to charm her.”

I was teasing him about his nickname, the Charmer, to egg him on, but also just to make him smile.

It worked. Cole straightened up, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Hey, I’ve still got game,” he said with a grin. “Just need to learn the rules of this one first.”

“Damn, I never thought I’d see the day when you’d be willing to change your rules for anyone.” Then again, this time with Rob had made me think that maybe I could have a normal relationship. The man was just so amazing that it was impossible not to get carried away. I found myself smiling just because I was thinking about him.

“Please don’t tell Ryker. He’ll give me so much shit.” Cole looked at me pointedly.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance