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“We just got this.” She held up an envelope as I approached the counter.

“Open it up.” I drummed my fingers against my thighs, giddy with excitement.

Tess did just that. “We got tickets to the Broadway play tonight! Did you order them?”

“No, I’d meant to, but.... Oh my God. I think Rob sent them.”

Tess looked up, and we both had widespread grins. “Holy shit, I’m his fan already.”

“You and me both, sis.”

I couldn’t help myself and took the tickets from her hand, surveying them, then turning them over, as if expecting to find a few words from Rob scribbled there or something.

I immediately reached for my phone, calling Rob. He didn’t pick up though. I sent him a message instead.


I wasn’t just giddy now, I was honestly euphoric. He’d sent us three tickets, as I’d told him that I was going with Tess and Heather—but unfortunately, our future sister-in-law couldn’t join us anymore. I was already wondering who else from the family would like to come with us.

In the afternoon, we switched spots, and Tess worked in the back while I tended to customers. Jane joined us too—she was closing this evening, since Tess and I were going to the show. Usually I didn’t keep my phone on me when I was in the front, but today, I chose to forget that rule. I kept the phone in the back pocket of my jeans, just in case Rob wrote back.

He didn’t though, until Tess and I headed out to Broadway.

I loved the city this time of year. Everyone was in vacation mode, and it showed. The streets were crowded, and everyone looked more relaxed, especially in the evening.

Rob: This is the first break I got. Enjoy the play. Sorry I can’t be there.

Skye: The first break??? Holy shit, that’s intense.

Rob: And I’m still looking at another five solid hours.

Skye: Maybe I can use some of your... methods... to help you unwind tonight?

Rob: I’m staying at the hotel.

Awww, I’d forgotten about that completely.

Tess glanced at me as we stood in line. No, inspected me was a more appropriate word.

“What?” I asked.

“Trying to figure out what’s got you in a twist.”

Oh well, might as well admit it. The family knew how deep I was into him. “Won’t see Rob for two weeks. He’s staying in Manhattan during the festival.”

“He’s got a place here too?”

“No, a hotel.”

My sister narrowed her eyes, glancing at me intently. “Okay, let’s do this.”

“Tess....” I knew what was coming, but I couldn’t stop it. I was going to be on the receiving end of one of her detective actions.

“You miss him. That’s so cute.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “You could crash his hotel room. Just saying. I’m sure he won’t mind.”

“I don’t want to cramp his style.” Also, I wasn’t sure we were at that point. What if I was butting in and he needed his space?

I mulled this over as we walked toward the venue. Halfway there, Cole called Tess.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance