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“Thank you. Anyway, all in all, I actually embraced the single life. I like it. Did that sound weird?”

He laughed, kissing my neck. “No, just honest. And I understand where you’re coming from. Haven’t had a long-term relationship in years either.”

I was happy we were having this conversation, that we were both so relaxed about sharing everything.

“What time is it? I should probably go home,” I murmured.

“No you don’t. I told you I didn’t get enough of you today, and I meant it.” He drew his thumb over my lips, watching me intently. “Do you have to be at the store tomorrow?”

“No. Tess and I are trying this new thing where we take off the entire weekend and are leaving our sales associates in charge.”

“Good. Then we can stay up late and be up to no good.”

“That’s right.”

Chapter Fifteen


Next morning, I woke up to a light headache. Red wines contained a lot of tannin, which could result in headaches. Skye was sleeping peacefully next to me on the king-sized bed.

I realized why I’d woken up when my phone rang. Grabbing it from the nightstand, I darted out of the room before it woke her up.

Anne was calling.

“Morning, brother.”


“Oh, you sound as if you just woke up.”

“I did.”

“Sleeping in? That’s a first for you.” She was right. I was usually up early even on weekends.

“I’m up now. Or will be, after some coffee.”

“Lindsay and I want to stop by with breakfast. If that works for you.”

“Sure. Just give me twenty minutes to be decent.”


When I returned to the bedroom, Skye was up too, yawning.

“My sister and niece are coming over,” I said.

“Oh, wow. Okay.” Bolting to a sitting position, she looked at herself, then around. “I slept in your T-shirt.”

“You did. Looks good on you.”

She stumbled out of bed. I took her hand, steadying her. “Mmm... not a fan of that wine anymore. My head weighs a ton.”

“We should’ve drunk some water last night as well, but I was too distracted.”

“Oh, really? Why was that?”

“I had a gorgeous woman on top of me.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance