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I tilted my head back as if I was considering it, then shook it vigorously. “Nah, don’t want to be apart from it. Not even if it means I could fondle you with both hands.”


glass and you’re already preferring Malbec over me?”

I wiggled my eyebrows. “What can I say? I’m easily swayed.”

He brought me to an armchair. At first, I wondered if we’d both fit on it, but we did. Well... almost. I had to half straddle him, but I wasn’t complaining.

“I’ll see how I can sway things back in my favor,” he murmured.

I took another sip from my glass before putting it on the small side table next to us.

“I can give you a few tips.” I rested my head on his chest, playing my fingers down that gorgeous six-pack.

Then, suddenly, I remembered a detail.

“When are you going for your run?”

“I’ll skip it tonight.”

“Want to do Pilates with me tomorrow morning? You still haven’t said anything about that deal.”

“Skye, no way in hell am I doing Pilates. That was just a ruse.”

“To get in my pants?”

“To spend time with you... and yes, get in your pants.”

“I appreciate your honesty,” I said, just before I burst out laughing. Rob chuckled.

We just sat there, entwined, except for the few minutes in which he went to the kitchen, bringing the bottle and his glass back with him.

“You’re great at this. I haven’t been so relaxed in a long while,” I said after a bit. It wasn’t the wine, it was him, just him. “Almost forgot about that stupid text.”

Rob groaned. “Almost isn’t good enough.”

“Well, honestly, I just remembered because I was thinking hard about why I was pissed off in the first place.”

“How long did you date him?”

“About two months.”

“So not a long-term thing.”

“No, honestly... my last long-term relationship was in college. Afterward, it was mostly dating, not relationships, you know?”

“Was that something you wanted or just the way things worked out?”

“Both, I guess. There was rarely a guy who stuck around for too long or didn’t try to pull one over me. Once, I discovered that a coworker who was flirting with me had a long-term girlfriend.”


“Yeah... that felt just like that. Like I was shit.”

“You’re an amazing woman, Skye. Don’t let anyone’s actions make you think otherwise.”

God, his words were so kind and sincere.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance