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“Let’s move to the back,” Tris said. “I have more stuff there.”

No sooner did we pass through a curtain into an even smaller room than the bell in the front rang.

“Go attend to the new customer,” Skye said. “I’ve got this.”

With a grateful nod, Tris disappeared to the front.

“Oh, this place just makes me feel like a kid myself.” Skye rubbed her palms together, heading to some shelves that held yet more crystals and beads. “Look at all this pretty stuff. Tell me about Lindsay. Does she like fantasy books?”

“Yes, yes, she does.”


“How am I supposed to know that?”

“Okay, I’ll work with the fantasy angle.” Skye laughed, inspecting the merchandise closely.

“Want to check out the shelves with me?” she asked after a few minutes.

“No, thanks. I’d rather check you out.”

A current of awareness shot through me. Skye straightened up, as if she’d felt it too. I moved closer, inexplicably drawn to her. I couldn’t say why it was harder to keep my distance here than outside. Her scent was delicious. Apple? Peach? I couldn’t really tell. It didn’t matter. I just couldn’t get enough of it. I couldn’t get enough of her, period.

“Ah, what about this?” Skye pointed with her thumb over her shoulder to a necklace with a pink stone. The details didn’t register, but I was sure I hadn’t seen anything like it before. She turned around, and her eyes widened. Clearly she hadn’t realized how close I was.

“It’s sophisticated and one of a kind. And....” Her voice trailed off. “You don’t like it, huh? Okay, so let’s go, then. To a department store, or even just another store. What do you want to do?”

“Fuck, Skye. I don’t care. All I know is I want you.”

She let out a small whimper, licking her lips. I didn’t hold back. I couldn’t. Cupping her cheek, I tilted her head up and then pressed my mouth to hers. She tast

ed delicious, like caramel and mango. I explored her, licking her lower lip, sucking on her tongue, groaning when she did the same to me. I felt that lick right along my cock and pressed myself against her. I wanted her to know just how hard I was. She moaned right in my mouth. It reverberated through me. I moved a hand to her waist before lowering it down her thigh. I wanted to touch her everywhere—mostly, I craved skin-on-skin contact.

I’d never lost myself in a woman this way. I forgot where we were, what we were doing. Nothing mattered. Absolutely nothing. Just bringing her pleasure. Fuck, how I wanted to bring her pleasure. I slipped a hand under her dress, along her inner thigh, until I reached her panties. Nothing but a scrap of silk. Parting her legs, I rubbed one finger down the middle. She trembled lightly, moaning against my mouth again. No, I couldn’t do this here. Slowly, it came back to me that we were in a store.

I dropped my hand and tried to pull back before nearly losing composure yet again when Skye buried one hand in my hair and placed the other on my arm, pulling me right back to her.

“Skye,” I murmured against her lips. “Open your eyes.”

She did so, slowly at first and then blinking them wide open.

“Oh, wow.”

She let go of my arm before looking down at her dress, as if expecting to find it on the floor. When she blinked back up, she touched her lips with two fingers. I groaned, almost kissing her again. Seeming to realize what that did to me, she dropped her hand.

Tris came in before I could say anything. “Did you guys find anything you like?” she asked.

“Definitely,” I answered, still looking straight at Skye.

Chapter Twelve


My skin was still sizzling as we walked out of Tris’s shop. Rob stuffed the neatly packaged necklace in the pocket of his suit jacket. I couldn’t believe I’d lost my head like that... but honestly, it hadn’t been just my head. I’d been completely lost to this man. The way he’d kissed me had just been surreal.

“Tell me you’re ready to call this a day,” he said in a low, dangerous voice once we reached my shop. Oh, I didn’t want to disappoint him.

“No, I can’t—I’m closing the store today. Tess has an appointment, so she can’t do it.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance