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“You grew it exponentially though.”

He chuckled. “You read about me?”

“Of course. Had to know if you were a good fit for the house.”

“What’s the verdict? Am I a good fit?”

“For the house?”

“What else?” He leaned in closer. The almost touch was excruciating, but when his hand brushed mine, I realized the touch itself was even more so.

“Of course you are.”

“I see.” He scrutinized me intently. Being around him made me feel relaxed and on edge at the same time. “So... I have big plans for us tonight.”


“I need to make up for scaring you.”

“And that’s going to take a whole evening?”

“Even longer.”

Good Lord, I’d only been in his presence for ten minutes and my hormones were already in disarray. My whole body responded to his flirty tone and suggestive glances. My nipples puckered, pressing against my bra. My lower belly was on fire. And I was supposed to spend the whole evening with him?

Bring it on.



Spending time with Skye was unlike anything I’d experienced before. I still couldn’t get over the fact that she’d offered to come shopping with me, that she’d put thought into what Lindsay might like.

“What will we be doing?” she asked.

“You’ll see. I owe you for scaring you.”

She blushed deliciously, and this time, I didn’t hold back. I touched her cheek, loving how soft her skin was, how her pupils dilated slightly.

“If you owe me, I should be the one who chooses the activity, don’t you think?”

I skimmed my hand up to her ear. She shivered lightly. I almost captured her mouth, right there in the street. It took all my self-control to drop my hand and point to the store.

“You’ve already put yourself in my hands. No going back from that,” I said.

“There’s no winning with you.”

“Yeah, there is, but of another kind.” I held her gaze firmly. She exhaled sharply, turning around and pushing the door to the shop open.

It was a crammed little space—more like a hole-in-the-wall, nothing like the department stores I was used to. My first instinct was to tell Skye to go right back out and head to Bergdorf’s, but something made me keep silent and just watch her. She smiled at the salesperson.

“Hey, Tris. Sorry I haven’t had time for a visit lately, but I brought with me a potential new client. We’re looking for something unique for an eight-year-old girl.”

Tris nodded, immediately heading to a shelf full of stones and beads. I still wasn’t convinced I’d find something for my niece here. Skye picked up on my skepticism.

“I know it’s a little unusual, but just give it a chance,” she whispered, looking up at me hopefully, and I didn’t have it in me to crush that hope.

In fact, I was looking forward to whatever Skye wanted to do next. I had an inkling that she could wrap me around her little finger if she wanted to. I didn’t want anyone having so much power over me.

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance