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“Your family?” Now that was interesting. I liked the fact that she was close to her family.

She nodded. “I have two brothers, plus our mom. But we’re looking into just handing the reins over to one of our sales associates on Sunday, so we can truly take time off.”

“And you mentioned before that the two of you are also managing your online store?”

“Yes.” Skye looked so proud when she answered. A hardworking woman was intriguing to me, on top of all of her other assets. That determination to keep my distance was just not working.

The more I was around her, the more I wanted to know this woman.

I whistled appreciatively, impressed by the sisters’ work ethic. “I’m guessing you don’t have many dull moments.”

She laughed. “You could say that. I don’t have much free time either. Or when I do, I’m so unaccustomed to it I never know what to do half the time.”

“Lucky you have a neighbor who can help out with that.”

“Oh, really?” The questioning look on her face was adorable.

“I’m the king of making the most out of free time.”

“Modest much?”

“Not one ounce of modesty in my bones, I promise you that.” I took one step closer. Skye licked her lips. I wanted to trap her against the side of the house and just not let go. It was impossible not to flirt with her, especially when she reacted like this to me. The sexual turn this conversation had taken was palpable. She cast her gaze away, blushing just the way she did that first night when I overheard her phone conversation. Which reminded me...

“You still didn’t give me an answer,” I said. “To my question about returning the compliment. You said I was smoking hot or fucking gorgeous. If I return it, will that clear the air between us?”

Her blush intensified. “I thought the question was rhetorical.”

“It wasn’t.” I let my gaze wander down her body slowly. “I can add some more. Stunning, sexy, beautiful.”

I heard her inhale sharply. The tension between us was strong. I couldn’t explain this impulse to get to know her: the store, her family, her life in general. I wanted to know everything.

Yes, she was a beautiful woman, and I wanted her in my bed, but that wasn’t all.

“Robert....” She’d only called me Mr. Dumont before.

“Rob. I only go by Robert in my work life.”

“Robert,” she insisted.

Her voice was a bit shaky. Instead of flirting back, she pressed her lips together, smiling but averting her gaze. She was fighting to keep herself in check, but her body language was intoxicating. She had goose bumps on her arms, and her breath was becoming more labored.


I’d always lived by the credo I see something I want, I do everything in my power to have it.

And I was going to have Skye.



I was undeniably attracted to this man and didn’t have a prayer of hiding it. His direct way was taking me by so much surprise that I didn’t have time to compose myself.

My sexy-as-hell neighbor was doing his best to flirt th

e panties off me... and he was succeeding.

“Here are the keys, before I forget them.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance