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Holy shit, I could barely handle this. How could we possibly be neighbors?

Chapter Six


The paperwork was completed quickly. Honestly, I was astounded at the speed, but it was much appreciated. I liked it when people were fast, efficient, and didn’t waste my time. On Saturday afternoon, I was ready to move in.

Since there was no furniture except the kitchen, my assistant arranged for my LA stuff to be brought here. A team packed everything in one day, and the moving company brought it across the country in three. They’d delivered everything yesterday. Things were going according to plan.

I’d just brought a suitcase with me from the hotel. When I got out of the Uber, I took a good look at the house, with its limestone façade and green roof, satisfied with the purchase. In a flash, I realized what had drawn me to it, despite it not ticking off all the architectural boxes I’d wanted. It reminded me of my grandfather’s house in France. Anne and I had spent a few weeks there every summer as kids. They were the highlight of our year, and we only grudgingly returned to New York in the fall.

Taking out my phone, I snapped a picture, sending it to my grandfather.

Rob: Kind of reminds me of your old house in France.

Grandpa: Ha! That old thing was falling apart.

That was true, especially since it had been his childhood home. It had been old as shit when Anne and I were there and had looked like it. But we’d loved going to France every summer nonetheless. Our grandfather was in France now too, with my parents. They had a different house, large and modern with all the comforts, but I still missed Grandpa’s old one.

At least now I understood what had drawn me to this house... aside from a certain sexy-as-hell neighbor. I surveyed the surrounding area for Skye, since she had the keys.

I spotted her two minutes later, just outside her house, crouched next to a bunch of roses. Her place was a smaller version of mine, and I liked that our houses were so close. There were no more than forty feet between the outer walls. I could see myself coming up with reasons to knock at her door.

She was wearing a simple red dress that barely covered her ass, especially because now she was lowered on her haunches. I could just imagine how she’d look with that dress hiked up to her waist. How she’d react if I peeled it off her.

Fucking hell, what was I doing?

I was in no position to start up a relationship. With the business, Lindsay and Anne, and deciding how to handle the scum she used to call her husband, I had no time for the dating scene. And Skye was someone you’d date. I barely knew her, but she deserved more than a fling. I was supposed to behave, but all I wanted was to cross the distance and kiss the hell out of her. When it came to this woman in particular, I just didn’t seem to have any control over myself.

Walking up to her, I said, “Hello, neighbor.”

She straightened, eyes wide. She licked her lips, smiling nervously. I liked surprising her. She wasn’t able to compose herself, and I saw her unrestrained reaction to me.

“Hi! I was just checking the sprinkler system. I checked yours earlier too. Everything seems to be working.”

“Why are you doing this yourself? Didn’t the plumbing company take care of it?”

I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful, but I didn’t want to see her take on even more than she already had.

“No, they don’t do that. Gardeners take care of the outdoor area, but the previous owners are trying to cut costs as much as possible. It really is a tough time for the family. I don’t mind helping them out. I worked in a real estate company back in college, so I know a few things.”

I was caught off guard again. Her concern for others was not necessarily an unexpected trait, but I personally valued it. Why did it surprise me though? When had I become so cynical that I expected people to only be looking out for themselves? The truth was, I hadn’t come across someone who just did things for others without any expectation in a long time. It didn’t help my determination to stay away from her.

“I can pay someone to check all this out, Skye. It’s my responsibility anyway.”

I usually liked delegating any organizational tasks, but Skye already seemed to have enough on her plate. Judging by her dress and the flats, she’d hurried here from the lingerie store to do this check and give me the keys.

On the other hand, if it meant I had an excuse to get her to come here....

“All good.” Her smile was infectious.

“You came directly from the store?” I asked.

“Yeah. Saturday is a busy day, but we have a sales associate helping us out.”

“So, you and Tess are there seven days a week?” I understood hard work, and my upcoming weeks would be just as packed, but I also knew you had to take time for yourself.

“Six. Our family is helping out on Sundays.”

Tags: Layla Hagen Very Irresistible Bachelors Romance