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“Something like that. I understand all your misgivings in regard to me, and I respect them. I will be honest, I don’t agree with them. I have thoroughly explained the factors I considered when making recommendations, and my decision was based on hard facts. Jace is a stellar player, has built a fan base you can tap into, and is generally very easy to work with. But as I said, I understand you have misgivings. However, I’d love to talk to you about the foundation. They are doing a great job there, and regardless of your involvement with Jace, the foundation is a great PR case for you.”

To my surprise, Carl chuckled.

“You know, Jace called me two days ago.”

“Oh, so you spoke to him about the foundation already.”

“Not exactly. We spoke about you. He was singing your praises, much as you are doing with him now.”

Jace had called Hill? Excitement coursed through me, lighting me up.

“As to the foundation, that cooperation is still under consideration. I happen to think it’s a great cause.”

“It is.”

“Sorry to cut the conversation short, but my assistant just informed me about an incoming call from overseas. I need to take it.”

“Thank you for your time. Have a great day.”

“I will. You too.”

Jace and I had texted in the last few days, but it had been mostly short updates, and I feared that I’d driven a wedge between us when I lashed out at him. I was very sorry for that. I hadn’t meant to, but I’d been upset and so very stressed about having to deal with everything imploding around me.

The call to Jeremy went in the same fashion—Jace had spoken to him too. I couldn’t ignore the hope blooming in my chest any longer.

I was still waiting on Tina’s recommendation. When I received the first email from a prospective employer asking me for it, I told myself I’d give her another day before calling. But now I’d just received a second email telling me they wanted to see the recommendation from my most recent job, so I had no other choice but to call her. I was sure she was backlogged. Tina might have many faults, but she wouldn’t withhold this on purpose.

She answered after a few rings, and it was clear she was driving and had put me on loudspeaker, because I could hear traffic sounds.

“Brooke, hi! I’m on my way to a meeting now. Can I call you back later?”

“Oh, sure. I just wanted to drop you a quick reminder about the recommendation.”

“Crap. I forgot to send you that. It’s just... I’ve talked to Jace, and then I started thinking. Well, procrastinating would be the more appropriate word.”

“Jace spoke to you? I didn’t ask him to, you know.”

“Oh, he made that clear. He’s very fond of you.”

“He said that to you?”

That seemed

very unlike Jace.

“No, he roasted my ass for being unfair to you. I just put two and two together.”

I grinned to myself. He’d spoken to Tina and each of the sponsors, defending me. That was... well, I couldn’t describe what I was feeling even to myself.

“I’ll send you that recommendation tonight, okay? Really have to go.”


I felt a spike of adrenaline when the line disconnected. I needed to talk to Jace right now. He could be training, though, so I sent him a message instead.

Brooke: Spoke to Carl, Jeremy, and Tina. Thank you for talking to them. It means a lot to me.

He called me three seconds later.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance