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“Hey,” I said breathlessly into the phone as I leaped to my feet, walking from my kitchen to my living room.


“Thanks for talking to Tina, and the rest.”

“I told you I’m your person.”

“How are you? Prepared for tonight?”

“We’re all good to go.”

He sounded strained. My stomach seemed to constrict into a tiny ball that leapt to my throat. I sat on the steps of the porch, resting my elbows on my thighs.

“Jace, you sound... off. What’s going on?”

Silence. He was hesitating. I walked out the back porch, steeling myself.

“Did you mean that? About regretting us?”

I felt struck dumb. “I said that?”

“Don’t remember the exact wording.”

“Of course, I don’t regret us.”

“I know I kept pushing, but it was just because I couldn’t be without you, Brooke.”


I broke off at the sound of various voices in Jace’s background. He wasn’t alone anymore.

“Coach wants to talk to us.”

I thought I heard a familiar female voice among all the male ones.

“Is Hailey there?”

“Yes. She took off a few days to watch the games. Will you watch tonight?”

“You bet I will. I’ll be cheering for a certain handsome MVP.”

“Hopefully the Lords’.”

“Haven’t made up my mind yet.”

“I miss you, Brooke.”

“I miss you too.”

I was smiling from ear to ear as I finished the call. My heart was beating so fast that I actually pressed my palm on my collarbone, trying to calm down a little and regulate my breathing.

Returning to my laptop, I intended to continue with the tasks I’d planned for today, then decided to change my plans.

I’d been so busy licking my wounds and fearing that Jace would think less of me and that it would in turn taint or lessen his love for me, that I somehow led him to think I regretted our relationship.


When I first met Jace, I was not ready for him. I’d been defensive, still putting myself together, almost convinced I wouldn’t be able to dream again. But now I was ready for him and his love.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance