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Someone turned the lights off just before we were served the appetizers. It was remarkable how different the experience was, as if I wasn’t simply dining, but having a sensory feast. I made a mental note to perform the sampling process with the lights turned off next time. I sometimes closed my eyes when I focused on a sample but wondered if the experience would be different. I couldn’t wait to try it.

“I’ve always wanted to try something like this,” I said.

“I thought you’d like it.”

“Really? Why?”

“Because it’s an unusual thing to do.”

I squirmed in my seat. “I know I’m a bit odd. The way I dress, and how I pop out Dad’s sayings every now and again.”

I felt his hand cover mine. “Valentina, I meant it as a compliment. And I don’t think it’s odd at all that you use your dad’s sayings so often. You’re a very warm and loving person. It’s your way of keeping his memory alive.”

I’d never thought about it like that, but now that he said it, I knew it was true. I became more and more aware of him as he kept touching my hand. I had trouble concentrating on the main course because the man next to me captured my attention.

“And? Have I earned the right to know your deep, dark secrets?” Carter asked.

“Hmm... I’d say you’re getting closer.”

“You’re taking advantage.” It was obvious from his tone that he was smiling. I liked this dinner-in-the-dark experience. It was fun guessing his reactions.

“You think? But I will

say this: I haven’t had so much fun since we were out on the boat.”

“Well, that just confirms it. I’m the common denominator here.”

I laughed, acutely aware that he was touching my leg under the table. The darkness made everything sexier.

“I’m glad you’re having a good time.”

“It’s fun. And I feel so... free when I’m with you. Like I can just be myself.”

He kissed my hand, and then he intertwined our fingers.

“Don’t ever feel the need to pretend you’re someone else. You’re a remarkable woman, Valentina Connor.”

“Thank you.”

I sighed, wondering how on earth I was supposed to keep my expectations from building when he said things like these that, well... made me wish he’d be around for the long haul so he could keep saying them.

“April loves your style, by the way.”

“What are you talking about? I wore a sundress on the yacht.”

“She’s been stalking your Facebook and Instagram. She’s made this list with everything she wants to buy. We’re hitting stores this weekend. I’m already afraid.”

“I can come with you and help,” I offered.

“Thanks, but don’t you worry about it. We’ll do fine.”

I cringed, closing my eyes, happy he couldn’t see me. Why did I have to poke my nose in things all the time? I knew I could be a little too doting and overbearing. If he didn’t invite me, I wasn’t going to push the issue. Things had to progress naturally. You couldn’t make someone want you in their life, no matter how much you tried. You couldn’t love for two; I’d learned that the hard way over the years.

Carter put a hand on my thigh, moving his thumb in a gentle rubbing motion. I caught my breath.

“I can’t wait to have you all to myself tonight.” His voice was low and seductive. If I thought my senses had been heightened before, it was nothing compared to this. The skin under my skirt had turned to goose bumps, and an ache was settling between my thighs.

“You do have me all to yourself right now,” I teased, knowing full well what he meant.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance