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I wasn’t dressed for a date. I was wearing a peasant blouse and a maxi skirt. Usually, I would wear something more conservative for a business meeting, but Davis was known for being casual. He’d been wearing a Hawaiian shirt today.

Carter and I had only made plans for tonight after I’d left my house, so I couldn’t change.

That afternoon, I glanced at the clock more often than usual, willing time to pass more quickly, even though I was immersed in my favorite activity: sampling. At five thirty, I went into one of the bathrooms to freshen up, applying deodorant and some more mascara.

Then I whistled for no reason at all.

“Who has a date with a gorgeous man?” I sang. “That’s right. Me.”

I felt a little silly, but I was officially off the clock, so I could let my playful side come out.

“Who is going to have a great time? Me.”

I was about to start shimmying my hips in a dance too, when I heard the water flush in one of the toilets and groaned inwardly.

Samantha, one of my accounting employees, came out. She was trying very hard to fight a smile. I greeted her, maintaining a poker face even though I could feel the tips of my ears heating up. Just my luck. But hey, I did have a gorgeous man coming to pick me up. One couldn’t be lucky in everything.

While I waited for Carter in the lobby, I checked on Jace, who had returned from a game outside LA a few hours ago.

Val: Do you have any food? Did you sustain any injury?

Jace: No to both, but before you ask me to come by for dinner, I’m reminding you we’ve entered the era of home delivery. I’m going to go to bed right away and sleep for twelve hours straight, but I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?

Val: Sure. Take care.

Eh, some habits were not easily shaken off. Of course, I knew that Jace didn’t need all the doting, but I couldn’t help it. I just hoped I wasn’t getting on his nerves.

Will used to be a detective, and I constantly worried about him when he was on the force. I tried not to let it show, but I don’t think I was doing a good job.

My brothers did indulge me, but sometimes I felt like one of those moms who made their grown-up children roll their eyes every time her name appeared on the screen of their phone.

Carter arrived then, and I licked my lips as he crossed the room to reach me. The man was simply a work of art. His hair was neat, and I couldn’t wait to ruffle it up a bit. He raked his gaze over me, and I felt my body respond to him. My skin was burning for his touch.

“Ready to go?”

I nodded. Up close, he was even more alluring, with that top button open and his delicious scent surrounding me. I readjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder, aware that he was still watching me intently, as if he was mentally undressing me.

“You look beautiful.”

“Not dressed for a date, but I didn’t have time to go home and change. I know my style is a bit... different.”

“I like it. I like that you’re different and you’re not afraid to show it.”

“Dad used to say ‘if you can’t hide the crazy, own it.’”

He came closer, placing a hand on my waist. His fingers were pressing in as if he could barely wait to touch me. He brought his mouth to mine, kissing me with so much fervor that I felt myself become slick between my legs. I pressed myself into him, needing more contact still. I was happy we were in a small nook of the lobby, hidden from sight.

Lord, the effect this man had on me should be outlawed. He rested his head in the crook of my neck.

“You drive me insane.” He almost growled the words. “Let’s go before I forget all about tonight’s plans.”

I smiled as we left the building, proud that I had this kind of effect on him.

“Dinner in the dark,” I exclaimed forty minutes later when we arrived at the destination. I read the words on the menu displayed next to the entrance to the restaurant. “This is exciting.”

I’d read about it. The food was served completely in the dark. The lack of light made the other senses sharper.

Once we were inside, a friendly waitress led us to a small separate room that was still bathed in light. I loved that the chairs were on adjacent sides of the table and not opposite each other. The waitress explained that the menu contained five courses, and we had to choose between three options for the main course.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance