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He grinned. “What gave it away? The kissing? The touching?”

“Nah, that look in your eyes. It’s almost predatory.”

“That’s a yes?”

“It’s a yes.”

The corners of his mouth lifted, and he kissed both my hands before leading me right back through the gate. He looked visibly more relaxed than when he’d arrived. I smiled to myself. I didn’t want to claim full credit for that, but I felt pretty confident I could at least claim 50 percent.

One word could describe dinner with the Connors: loud.

During the Fourth of July party, we’d all been scattered through the backyard, but five of the Connors plus me were gathered around the living room table. Hailey’s plane had had a delay, so she’d only arrive later. Milo had scarfed food down quickly and was currently in the sitting area of the living room, earbuds plugged in his ears, eyes focused on an iPad.

Everyone was talking at the same time. My ears would pop any second now. Landon was having a blast. Clearly his earlier statement about hating people didn’t apply to his family.

Val was at the head of the table, sitting in an armchair that had a support for her cast.

“I don’t need a full-time caretaker, Landon,” she repeated for what seemed like the millionth time. “The nurse who comes to help me bathe is enough. I’ve learned to maneuver the crutches. I can’t move quicker anyway, unless I get a wheelchair, which I refuse to do. It’s impractical with the stairs anyway. I just wish the effects of the concussion would go away faster. I still can’t read without getting a massive headache, and I get tired quickly.”

Will chimed in. “It’s good for her to do things on her own, as much as she can.”

When Landon shook his head and opened his mouth, Will turned to me. “Maddie, I’m entrusting you with a very important task. You need to get Landon to relax. He has this annoying belief that everything is his responsibility. He’s gonna grow white hair soon.”

Jace cornered me too. “Yeah, use those womanly wiles. We’ve tried everything else and failed. You’re our last resort.”

The skin on my neck felt red-hot, but I was determined not to cower, even though I couldn’t believe he’d just used the words “womanly wiles.”

“I’ll do my best,” I countered, keeping my face straight.

Lori glanced at Milo, but he still seemed lost in his iPad, earbuds safely on. “Jace, I forbid you to say the words ‘womanly wiles’ in front of Milo.”

Jace glanced at his sister in mock surprise. “Why? Think he won’t understand? I’m more than happy to explain. He needs to be prepared for what’s out there.”

“He’s six,” Lori said so sweetly, even I feared she was cooking up a revenge plan in case Jace blabbed in front of Milo.

Hailey arrived midway through dinner.

“I’m sorry I’m late. Plane took off ninety minutes too late from Seattle.” She hugged Val tightly, then plopped down on Landon’s other side. In between scarfing down food, she questioned him about work.

“I have everything under control,” Landon said.

Hailey raised her eyebrows. “I want d

etails, please.”

Landon gave in and recounted the past week play-by-play.

“That sounds like a lot to handle,” she admonished when he finished. I was on Hailey’s side. I was exhausted just hearing it.

Landon waved his hand. “I can balance the workload.”

Interesting. He’d admitted to me that it was going to be a nightmare, but he didn’t admit it to his family. While I felt honored that he’d shared that with me, I thought that putting up this bravado wasn’t having the effect he thought it had. Case in point: Jace and Will were both casting him worried looks.

“Val, I won’t be able to attend dinner next Friday. We’re playing in New York,” Jace said.

Val pouted. “The season hasn’t started yet.”

“It’s a friendly game. Though you wouldn’t know it by the way our coach had us train. You’d think we’re playing for the world championship. But I’ll stop by before I leave. And I’ll wink at you when they interview me.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance