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I let go of him, and he immediately took a step back. I sighed at his rumpled shirt.

“Why do you let me mess you up every morning?” I asked, smoothing the fabric as best I could.

He swallowed. “I like watching you fix me up.”

“I like doing it,” I admitted. I liked it a lot. It felt so couple-ish, like he was my man, and I was making sure he looked spotless before he went to work. It was a foolish dream, but I couldn’t help but lose myself in it every morning, or when he sent me texts throughout the day, sharing tidbits about his work or asking about me.

When our gazes met, a bout of vulnerability crossed his features. It was so raw that I felt it in my chest. Was he having those same thoughts too? I didn’t dare ask, but when he pulled me into a hot and soulful kiss, I kissed him back with all I had.


That evening, he arrived at six o’clock. I ran into him outside the front gate.

“Hey!” He raked his gaze longingly over me, stopping on the car keys in my hand. “You’re leaving?”

“Yeah. I’m done for the day, and I don’t want to be in anyone’s hair.”

“But we have plans tonight.” The top button of his shirt was open, and he’d rolled up his sleeves again. He looked tired and pissed off.

“After your dinner. Text me when you’re ready, and I’ll drive back. I won’t be far away. I’m exploring the neighborhood.”

“Maddie, I’d meant for you to have dinner with us.”

“Oh! But... this is a family dinner. I’m sure you have a lot to talk about.”

“No state secrets, I promise.”

I shifted my weight from one leg to the other, looking down at my red ballerinas. I was flattered he asked, but still didn’t know if I should accept. Wouldn’t the other siblings mind? They’d been warm and welcoming at the Fourth of July celebration, but this felt more intimate.

“Are you mad at me?”

I snapped my gaze up, startled. “Why would I be mad?”

“I know I’ve been neglecting you for the past few days. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

I stepped closer, covering his mouth with my hand. “Stop, Landon. I’m not mad. You’ve been working. I understand.”

I felt him smile against my hand before he pushed it away. “So you didn’t miss me.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“So you did?”

“I didn’t say that either,” I teased. He drew the contour of my mouth with his thumb, then tugged my lower lip between his teeth. I stilled, letting him continue with the ministrations. He didn’t outright kiss me, just teased me until I ached for him. We were in front of Val’s gate, where any neighbors or passersby could see us, and I didn’t care. I was like a besotted schoolgirl when it came to Landon.

I took in his body language. He was on edge, and I wanted to take that edge off, so I kissed him with all I had. He kissed me back with fervor, as if he’d been starved for me the whole day. As if he was still starved for me and needed to kiss me as much as he needed his next breath.

“Hard day?” I asked when he moved his lips to my neck, rocking me in his arms.

“Fucking hard day. I hate people sometimes.”

“Me too. That’s why I work with plants and earth and stones.”

“You just made this day much better, though.” He laughed, then pulled back a notch. “Stay for dinner. I’d like to have you by my side.”

He sounded sexy when he was determined. He still had his arms around me, and he was drawing small circles on my back. His gaze was on my lips.

“I feel like you’re about to use your allure to talk me into this.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance