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“You’re a great dancer,” I murmur as the song ends. The band switches to a slower song, and Eric immediately takes one of my hands in his, curling his other arm around my waist. I’d hoped my heart rate would slow down, but being in his arms has the opposite effect.

“Forgive me if I come across as curious, but you seem to know more about me than I do about you.”

I laugh nervously. “What do you want to know?”

“Why is your sister trying to set you up? A beautiful woman like you shouldn’t have any problems finding a date on her own.”

Ah, going straight for the punch. “I’m divorced and haven’t done well in the dating department lately. Alice is trying to be helpful.”

We move to the music for a few seconds before he speaks. “About what she said about me… She made me sound like a catch.”

“And you want to tell me you’re not?”

“Well, I am tall, dark, and handsome, obviously.” He winks at me.

I laugh. God, I love a man who can make me laugh. “Obviously.”

The smile on his face morphs into a serious expression. “But I’m damaged goods, not a catch. Not at all. And I don’t know you, but I think you deserve someone who is. Whether to take you out on dates, or help you out with that cobweb situation.”

I burst out laughing, hoping it hides my embarrassment. I make a mental note never to use that expression again.

“So the hot look—” I begin, but he interrupts me with a headshake.

“Was a moment of weakness on my part. I am only a man, after all, and you are beautiful.”

My cheeks heat up. “You are awfully articulate about your thoughts and feelings.”

“I’ve always worn my heart on my sleeve. Not always the best thing, but I can’t be any other way. And after my wife passed away, I saw a therapist for a few years. He helped me articulate—as you call it—my thoughts. Learning to do that was especially important for Julie.”

“I’m sorry about your wife.”

“It happened a long time ago.” He gazes into the distance, emotions warring on his handsome face—pain, resignation, maybe hope. A deep frown stretches on his forehead, and I decide on the spot this won’t do. I make it my mission to bring back that gorgeous smile of his.

I needn’t have worried because the band switches to a fifties tune, and Eric wiggles his eyebrows.

“Another dance?” he asks.

“Rock-n-roll? Seriously?”

“I have moves,” he assures me in a voice full of delicious promise. “I’m not a catch, but that doesn’t mean I can’t throw and catch you.”

“Whatever you’re planning to do, keep in mind I’m wearing a dress. I don’t want to flash my thong for everyone to see, even if it is a gorgeous red from La Perla—”

“Stop talking about your underwear. I’m already picturing it, and that’s a slippery road.” Without further ado, he lifts me in his arms and proceeds to steal the breath from my lungs. He half lowers, half throws me to his right and then to his left. I keep my knees firmly together until my feet are back on the floor. By the end of the dance, my head is spinning.

“Oh, my God,” I say. “This was… I can’t believe you pulled that off.”

“Your lack of faith in me is insulting,” he says as we step away from the dance floor. “I should get back to my daughter.”

“You do that, and I’ll see both of you on Monday. She’ll love my office. I have samples all around.”

“Why are you being so nice to us?”

“I’m nice to everyone,” I reply a little too quickly. “But I like Julie. She and I will get along well.”

“So it has nothing to do with the fact that I’m Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome?” His smile is priceless.

“You’re never going to let me forget that, are you?”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance