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? in business circles?” Alice says, flashing her teeth.


“He’s the perfect candidate to help you with the cobweb situation down there.” Alice announces this with such conviction you’d think she has research-backed data to support this statement.

“Stop using the word ‘cobweb,’” I hiss.

“You used it first.”

“I won’t make that mistake again.” Many moons ago, over too many cocktails, I admitted to Alice that I hadn’t gotten laid in a while, and if that didn’t change soon, I would have to start checking for cobwebs.

“He’s perfect for the job. You’re not ready for a relationship, and he’s only here for a few months. You can just enjoy each other. He’s single and hot.”

Suspicion gnaws at me. I recognize this type of meddling; I did exactly this to Sebastian and Logan, my second eldest brother, back when they were still single. But Alice always kept away from my matchmaking activities. Is she now taking a page from my own playbook?

I had great plans for Alice tonight. Recently, I discovered she has had a crush on one of Sebastian’s childhood friends for years, and he was going to attend the wedding, so I had the perfect opportunity to give them a nudge. Alas, he regretfully informed us that he couldn’t participate two days ago. He received a job offer outside the country right before the wedding and had to start immediately. He’ll be gone for months, maybe even a year.

“Sorry to break up your party, ladies, but I have a phone number to ask for,” a male voice says from behind us. Alice and I turn in our seats at the same time. My breath stops as my gaze meet Eric’s. He’s standing not one foot in front of us, a mischievous glint playing in his blue eyes. I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

“I’ll leave you two,” Alice says, putting her shoes back on and then graciously disappearing.

“I’m surprised you’re straight-up asking for my number. You said you’re a resourceful man.”

“I am, and this is the best use of my resources right now.”

Eric hands me his phone, and I try—and fail—to ignore the flip in my stomach as his fingers touch mine.

I type my number. Without looking up, I ask, “Did you hear any part of our conversation?”

“A little. Something about tall, dark, and handsome. And about cobwebs.”

“So, you basically eavesdropped on our entire conversation.” My throat becomes dry.

“I did. Can I have my phone back now?”

“Sure.” Snapping my gaze up to him, I return the phone. “This is my most embarrassing moment, and I have quite a few of those under my belt. I’ll start digging a hole in the ground now. I should disappear off the face of the earth by the time the wedding’s over.”


“Sorry. My sister can be a bit meddling sometimes. I think she learned it from me. And I’m rambling. I do that when I’m nervous.”

“I make you nervous?” He smiles.


He eyes me in silence for an entire minute, which does nothing to soothe my nerves. “You are adorable.” Tilting his head forward, he puts his lips to my ear and whispers, “Just to silence any doubts, it was a hot look.”

My breath catches. “I… Well… I’m not sure if that’s any less embarrassing.”

Pulling back, he asks, “Why don’t we talk that over during a dance?”

“What about Julie?”

“She’s in good company.” He points to the table, where Julie is engrossed in a conversation with Nadine, Logan’s fiancée, and Alice. On a sigh, I realize I was right. My sister is playing matchmaker, and Nadine is playing along with her. They’re beating me at my own game.

“Okay, let’s dance, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome.”

Without further ado, he offers me his arm. I quickly put on my shoes, and then he guides us to the dance floor. The band has switched to an animated song, and this man can dance. My heart beats at a frantic pace from the quick rhythm of our moves. Being so close to him, I can take in his scent—sandalwood and mint—and it’s addictive.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance