Page 37 of Not Sorry

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“Yes,” Sean says, looking over at me.

I nod slowly. Sean walks over and puts his hand on the small of my back, like I have found that he often does. He guides me out of the room and then out of the building to where I see a jet waiting for us.

I look from it and back to Sean. “Do you really own this plane?” I ask about the huge jet sitting in front of us.

Sean shrugs. “Yes, it’s really mine. It’s not a big deal. Really.”

Owning a jet is a big deal, I think.

Sean leads me up the stairs and onto the plane. When we get on, I realize just how much of a big deal it really is. The plane is bigger than my apartment. I stop in the doorway, unable to move, not sure if I can handle going on a trip with someone who has a vastly different amount of wealth than me.

“What is it?” Sean asks.

“It’s just so big.”

Sean laughs. “I’m glad that size impresses you.”

We both laugh as I walk further onto the plane. There are several regular chairs toward the front, followed by a small dining area, and then a door labeled Bedroom at the back. I turn back and look at Sean.

“No,” he says before taking a seat in one of the chairs at the front.

I narrow my eyes at him as I take a seat next to him. I buckle my seat belt, just like he does. I put Milo down on the ground, letting him explore his new surroundings before we take off.

“What do you mean, no?”

“I mean, no. I can already tell what you’re thinking. What your body is saying. You don’t hide your feelings when it comes to what you want.”

“And what do I want?” I whisper.

Sean grins. “You want me to take you to the back room, tie you up, and do something crazier than you’ve ever done before. Fuck you on this plane and make you feel things that only I can make you feel. That’s what you want, but the answer is no.”

I frown, hating his answer, but then maybe, once we’re up in the air, I’ll be able to convince him.

“No,” Sean says again.

“What this time?” I ask.

“No. You aren’t going to convince me. I don’t care if you strip naked in front of me. I’m not going to fuck you on this plane.”

I pout. What good is it to be fucking your boss if you don’t even get to fuck him on his private jet?

Sean shakes his head. “I’ll fuck you on the way back if you still want me to then.”

I smile and sink back into the chair as the captain boards the plane, explaining all the safety features and how long it’ll take to get to Vegas. Then, he enters the cockpit, leaving us alone in the back.

Vegas. We’re going to Vegas.

I’m excited to be going to a city that I’ve never been to before. Even though Vegas isn’t on the top of my list of places to visit, I’ll take it. And I get to find out what Sean does for a living. Since we’re going to Vegas, I have some pretty good guesses at what Sean does. He owns a casino, strip club, or hotel chain. It has to be something like that.

Our plane takes off, and I close my eyes, trying to rest since I won’t be able to get Sean to fuck me on the plane. But then I look over at Sean, who is studying me with a worried expression on his face. I don’t know what he has to worry about. He’s a businessman who deals with what I’m sure is some level of shady business, just like every other millionaire on this earth. Whatever it is, it isn’t going to make me change how I feel about him, and that’s what scares me. I care about him a lot more than I should.



Olive slept the entire plane ride while I was a complete wreck. It’s a feeling I rarely feel, and I don’t plan on feeling it ever again. She slept calm and peacefully, not even realizing what her future holds. I know exactly what my future holds, and although I know it is for the best for both of us, I hate that I’ll have to let her go so soon.

I was really a mess through the whole plane ride. I don’t think Olive knew that, or if she did, she didn’t let on. She just slept like an angel while I tried to ingrain her memory forever into my head. She probably thought it was helping us both to resist temptation if she slept, but all it did was make my desire for her worse. Ever since she gave me that look when she saw the bedroom on the plane, I’ve been going crazy, trying to keep my hands off her.

Tags: Ella Miles Erotic