Page 36 of Not Sorry

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She raises an eyebrow. “And what is that?”

I look at her. “I’m going to show you what I do for a living.”

That will solve the problem. When she knows what I do for a living, she’ll hate me again.

“And I’m going to give you your final lesson before I make my decision about if you’re right for the manager job.”

If she doesn’t decide to leave first.



I try not to care about the fact that Sean is basically kidnapping me or that I don’t get a say in my life with him any more than I did with Owen. I should learn my lesson and take back control. Let Sean know that he doesn’t get to control me. Let him know that no one controls my life but me.

But there is a difference between giving up control to Sean versus Owen. The difference is, I kind of like it when Sean takes control, whereas I hated it when Owen did. When Sean takes control, I know that he has my best interests at heart while Owen couldn’t have cared less. Plus, Sean helped me get rid of Owen and get my cat back. I should go along with him to thank him.

But the real reason I’m going along with his crazy plan is because he told me that I’d get to find out what he does for a living. I know curiosity can lead me down dangerous paths. I just hope that my curiosity doesn’t get me into too much trouble this time.

Sean pulls up in front of a building near an airport. I didn’t really believe him when he told his assistant to get the jet ready. I thought maybe he just meant to get us a flight to Vegas. I didn’t believe that Sean actually owned a jet. I’m still not convinced yet that he does. Maybe we’re just catching a ride on someone else’s small plane.

But an employee comes running out of the building. He opens my door and helps me out of the car.

“Mr. Burrows, your plane should be ready to depart in about twenty minutes. The crew is already here, going through all the usual safety checks and preparing the plane. Your assistant just arrived with your luggage. So, if you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to your luggage to ensure you have everything before you board,” the man says to Sean, both men ignoring me.

I hold on to my cat as I follow the men into the building and then into another room where there are at least half a dozen suitcases on the floor. My eyes widen at the sight of so many suitcases, but none of them are mine. Maybe the three bright pink ones are supposed to be mine, but I don’t own any suitcases like that.

“I’ll give you a few moments to make sure you have everything you need before the flight,” the man who still hasn’t introduced himself to me says before leaving.

“You can change if you want, or you can stay in pajamas and change later on the plane. It really doesn’t matter. Whatever makes you most comfortable,” Sean says.

“I’m not sure your assistant went to the right apartment. These aren’t my suitcases.”

Sean rolls his eyes and then bends down. He opens the first suitcase, and it mostly contains my clothes. “She probably just used some new bags because yours weren’t suitable.”

I frown as I walk over and start digging through the suitcase to find a pair of jeans and a shirt to wear. “My suitcases were perfectly fine,” I say angrily even though I know that’s not the truth.

I own one duffel bag that has a decent-sized hole in it, and that’s it. Nothing that even comes close to being called luggage by Sean’s standards. But I don’t want Sean to know that I have no money for things like suitcases.

I find some pants and shirts that aren’t mine. “Some of these clothes aren’t mine.”

Sean shrugs. “My assistant might have picked up some additional clothes for you to wear.”

I frown. “And why would she have done that? I thought this was going to be a short trip. Why do we need so many clothes?”

“I’m sure she just wanted to make sure you had plenty of options. Your regular clothes are fine.”

I stand up and walk to the door to go find a restroom to change in. I’m not changing in front of him right now with him bossing me around and thinking my things aren’t good enough.

“Watch my cat while I change,” I say as I leave, hoping that my cat is just still breathing when I return.

I change quickly, feeling much more normal when I’m wearing actual clothes instead of pajamas. Back in the room, I put my pajamas into the suitcase while Sean stares at me. It takes me a second to notice, but he’s cuddling my cat in his arms, gently stroking her head absentmindedly, while he stares at me. I walk over to him, giving him a small smile as I take the cat out of his arms.

“Well, I’m glad that at least Milo likes you.”

Sean smiles.

“Are you ready to board the plane?” the employee from earlier asks as he pokes his head into the room.

Tags: Ella Miles Erotic