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Beckett drives up in front of the beach that once was the site of my house, and is now the site of my pain.

This is where I thought I lost Langston and Liesel. This is the site where I thought I lost all my men. This is the site where I lost Kai and the babies.

I grip Kai’s hand tighter; this is the site where I get it all back. This is where I protect everyone I love. This is where I get my revenge.

Beckett puts the car in park, and we all sit for a moment in silence, knowing once we step out of the car, there is no going back. We will fight Felix to the death. That is the only way to keep our family safe. Even if it means our deaths.

I look from Beckett to Kai. “Let’s do this.”

We all step out of the car ready for whatever tricks Felix has planned. And as we walk up the hill to where the remains of my house sit, I know we are in for a big fight.

Over a hundred men stand in the basement of my house, now exposed to the sun. Most are standing in a semi-circle around Felix. Others are off to the side, not really making it clear if they are behind Felix or not. All of them are men and women who used to work for me. Now, I don’t know whose side they are on.

I resist the urge to draw my gun. I want to kill Felix immediately, but that would most likely be a death sentence. No matter how strong we are, the three of us can’t take on a hundred men by ourselves.

“So happy you could join us,” Felix says as we take a step onto the cement ruins. I loved this house, and Felix destroyed it.

I grin though, knowing I destroyed his home too.

Felix looks at Kai, “Already had the baby, I see? Too bad, I was hoping to be at the birth.”

I step forward, needing to be between Kai and Felix, even though I know Kai is fully capable of taking care of herself.

“Have you run the DNA test yet? Have you determined which of my brothers is the father?” Felix asks, with a smug grin, thinking his words can hurt us. They can’t.

“I already know who the father is,” Kai says, gripping my hand. We have no doubt those babies are mine. They’ve always been mine. A DNA test won’t prove anything other than what we already know.

Felix looks at me with a light in his eye. “Too bad, Milo was the better brother. Any child of his would have been amazing.”

“Where is Liesel? The child?” I ask, tired of Felix’s games, and we only just got here.

Felix whistles and a car door opens. Liesel is sitting in the back of an SUV, still tied up. She looks exhausted but not hurt. Felix didn’t physically touch her, thank fuck.

He nods, and the door slams shut.

“And the child?” Kai asks.

Felix grins. “This isn’t any place for a child.”

She moves to attack him, but I grab her arm and hold her back. I don’t like that we don’t know where the child is either. But once we kill Felix, we will have all the time in the world to find him. Although, I suspect the child is here somewhere. Felix would want to be able to use him as leverage if things don’t go his way.

“Now, for the reason we are all here. The game,” Felix says, looking to his left.

One of the men pushes a scrawny man forward—Archard. He stumbles forward, holding onto his glasses and a piece of paper. He looks like he’s been tortured and beaten. He's lost a lot of weight. And I realize now Felix has tried to get him to pass on the Black power to him. I don’t know exactly what that ent

ails, but I’m guessing the passwords to the vaults and bank accounts. I’ve never needed the access to run the company, as my father left plenty of his personal money to me to run the company with. But it appears no matter how badly Archard is tortured; he won’t give up that information to Felix.

Maybe I was wrong about Archard after all. Maybe he is on our side.

“Read the rules of the final game,” Felix yells to Archard.

Archard tries to stand tall and proud, but he can’t. His body is too broken and hurt.

“The final game is simple. The participants will battle in twenty-minute increments to the death. Each round will involve deadly and deadlier weapons until a victor has been crowned,” Archard reads.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark