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Felix grins. “Can the rules be amended to include more participants?”

Archard frowns and reads the fine print of the contract. “Only with a unanimous vote from the crew present at the final game.”

Felix’s eyes light up—he’s going to join the game. He finally found a way. Most of the men here think he’s a better leader. They will vote for him to enter. And even those who think Kai or I would make a better leader, will vote to allow Felix to enter. They won’t cross Felix. And they will want me to kill Felix. This will ensure that that happens.

“All those in favor of allowing other participants who are blood-related to the Black or Miller line to enter the final game, raise your hand,” Felix says.

One by one, each hand goes up as I knew they would.

“Unanimous,” Felix says with a grin.

Archard sighs, but nods.

“To enter, you must prove you are blood-related and be able to name a blood relation as your heir. Other than Enzo and Kai, are there any other blood relatives who would like to throw their name into the battle to become the leader of the Black organization?” Archard asks.

“I would like to compete for the Black organization. I think the organization has been under terrible leadership. So many lives have been lost. Buildings destroyed because of poor leadership. I have what it takes to be your leader,” Felix says, stepping forward.

Archard nods, expecting that. He opens his mouth to speak, but Beckett interrupts him.

“I too would like to throw my name in,” Beckett says.

I grab his arm. “What are you doing? You can’t enter. This is a battle to the death.”

“I know. I don’t leave my family out to dry. You will need me to help take down Felix,” he says so only I can hear.

My heart breaks, but he’s right. We need his help.

“And who are you?” Felix asks like he has no clue who he is.

“I’m your half-brother. Eli Beckett. You can call me Beckett.”

Archard doesn’t seem surprised and doesn’t question the development. He knew of Beckett’s existence.

I frown. How many people knew of all my brothers that existed and never told me?

“Fine. I will need each of you to name an heir, add a game to the future games, and then sign the contract. Let’s start with Enzo.”

I walk to Archard and take the piece of paper from his hand. “My heir is Finn Black, my son,” I say. I hate naming him as my heir. I don’t want him to have anything to do with this organization. I don’t want him to compete in any games. But after today, I plan on destroying this organization once and for all. So it doesn’t matter.

I write his name down, hating myself the entire time I do. Then I write rules to a stupid game that will never be played. And finally, I sign my name—Enzo Black. They can never take my name from me, even if my legal name is Rinaldi, Black is my last name. I will not let what the name has become change anything.

Archard studies the paper carefully. “Good.” Then he looks to Kai. “Kai Miller.”

She steps forward. “Kai Black, actually.” She holds up her hand, displaying her wedding ring proudly.

Everyone gasps.

She grabs the piece of paper. “I name Ellie Black, my daughter, as my heir.”

More gasps.

Felix grins. “Twins? How cute. Who is watching the little ones right now while mommy and daddy play?”

“My father,” Kai says sternly, planting the seed we hope will be one small step of protecting our children if we die, giving Langston just a second of a head start in fleeing from Felix if we fail.

She writes her game furiously on the paper, then signs it, and hands it back to Archard.

He looks it over, then calls Felix.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark