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He shrugs. “Maybe. Or maybe you are the only one who can see my true colors. I can see why both of my brothers have been so fascinated with you.”

I growl. “And how did that turn out for the brother who decided I was his property? His to do what he wanted with? He’s dead now.”

Felix grins. “Yes, but he got what he wanted first, didn’t he? You, my lovely, might be worth the cost. Even death to taste what is forbidden.”

I pull out my gun and aim it at Felix. I will never be raped again. I will never let a man take from me again. And I don’t need Langston or Enzo to prevent it from happening.

“I suggest you start thinking differently, before I shoot off your balls.”

Felix just stretches his neck back and forth; the gun not even fazing him. “I like your threats. They’re cute. But you can’t threaten someone who has nothing to live for anymore. Yes, I would love to lead the Black empire, but I’d also settle for breaking up your love. Because even if one of you wins and you rule without the other, your lives will be miserable. Seems like a fair trade, since you killed Milo and Enzo killed Pietro.”

I search his eyes, but I know his words are true. There is nothing that will make him stop. Only death. He wants to make us both suffer for hurting him.

“What else do you have planned? What’s coming?”

“Like I would tell you. Where’s the fun in that?”

Fuck, I need to tie him up and torture him to get the answers. I’m afraid if I kill him there will be some hidden booby trap we won’t be prepared for. He’s prepared for his death. Nothing will stop him from hurting Enzo and me.

“Lang—” I start to yell for Langston.

But Felix’s words stop me. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m going to let you live, for now. I’m even going to let you win this round. Because I know what the final game is. And I can’t wait to watch.”

“What is the final game?” I beg, even though I know he won’t answer.

“My money is on you winning the whole thing, that is if you are strong enough to fight for it,” Felix says.

I’m stunned. I try to understand his words, but I can’t decipher them. And before I can react, Felix has popped the window open and is jumping out. I fire the gun, but I already know it’s too late.

Langston runs inside.

“He’s gone,” I say.

Langston runs to the window, aiming his gun out and he trying to get a look at where Felix went.

But before either of us can decide what to do an explosion rocks the boat. Langston grabs onto me, and my hand instinctively goes to my stomach, like my hand alone is enough to protect my baby.

Langston grabs Enzo’s phone from my pocket and pulls up the security cameras. There is a large hole in the bottom of the yacht. Water is flowing in. Men are running around, guns drawn. Some look bloodied and injured. We are going to sink. Men are going to die. And I have no idea what to do. We are in the middle of the fucking ocean. Miles away from land. And I sent Enzo away. I can either lead and find a way out, or run away and leave the team to die.

I stroke my stomach one more time. I’m a horrible mother, and this baby isn’t even here yet. How am I supposed to protect my baby from danger when peril is all around me?

By being a badass that takes out Felix and any other person standing in my way. If they all thought they saw me as a leader before, they have no idea what I’m capable of. They just pissed of momma bear. And I’m about to destroy every person that stands in the way of giving my child his happily ever after.



WHY THE HELL did I give Kai my cell phone?

I realize my mistake as soon as I arrive at Surrender—the site that once contained the building I despised almost as much as my childhood home.

Now, I’m miles away from Kai with no way to contact her.

I spot Chad, surveying the damage and speaking with a construction manager about what it would cost to rebuild. Except there will be no rebuilding. At least not on this site. Not if I have anything to do with it.

I walk over to Chad. “I’ll take it from here.”

“Kai Black told me to get her the information about the cost of rebuilding here,” Chad says, folding his arms across his chest, eyebrows raised in defiance.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark