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A delicious simmering shoots through me when he calls Kai, Kai Black. I love hearing my last name following hers. I’m a caveman like that. But instead of dwelling on the nice feeling, I roll my eyes. He would have never defied me like this when I was his boss because he knew I’d dismiss him immediately.

“I said you are done here,” I repeat, my voice deepening into the voice I only use when I mean business.

The boy doesn’t back down. He has a spine, I’ll give him that. But his spine is going to get him killed.

I grab him by the collar of his shirt. “You. Are. Done. Here.”

“I don’t take orders from you. I take them from Black. That’s not you.”

I sigh, I’m not going to get anywhere by trying to order him around, not unless I want to kill him. And I don’t kill people who are innocent and loyal. He’s loyal to Kai, so he gets to live.

I change my tactic. “Kai sent me to tell you she has another assignment for you. I will be taking over your assignment now.”

He studies me, not sure he believes me. But I was once his boss, and he knows I could kill him here and now if I wanted to. Plus I never lied to my men if I could help it. They gave me their loyalty; I gave them my honesty. So he has no reason to believe I’m lying now.

“Fine,” he says, looking from the contractor watching us back to me. I release him, and he starts to walk away.

“I need your cell phone as well,” I say.

“What? Why?”

“My phone died, and I need to contact Ms. Black to let her know I took over the assignment and sent you back for a new one.”

He frowns but hands over his phone and disappears.

“Are you ready to talk numbers? I don’t have all day,” the contractor says.

“One minute,” I say, holding up my finger as I dial my cell. I have a strange inkling something isn’t right with Kai. And I need to confirm she is fine.




Finally, on the last ring, I hear her voice. “Chad? Are you still in Miami? If so, arrange for everyone to get a ship and get to my coordinates immediately. We are under attack.” Her voice is so calm and strong. She was born to be a leader. She’s my other half. We just need to prove to the company we are better off together than apart. Maybe generations ago they were too sexist to believe a woman could rule or that a man could lead without thinking with his dick instead of his

head. But times have changed. We would make a great team.

“I’ll be right there.”

I hear her gasp at the sound of her voice.

“Is Langston at your side?” I ask, hating I’m so far away when danger struck. Why the hell did I listen to her? I should have stayed on that yacht. I knew another attack was coming.

“Yes, he’s here. And he won’t let anything happen to us.”

The phone goes silent then.


Does she mean me and her? Or her and the crew? It doesn’t matter. I’m on my way.

I drive to the docks in record time and grab the fastest speedboat I can find. I don’t even think it’s one of ours, but it doesn’t matter. I just need to get to her. Now.

I drive to the last coordinates, and I see the smoke before I see the damage.

Fuck no.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark