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I RACE to the thick cabin door that is as secure as any bunker built for a president.

I unlock the door ,and then I wait. Westcott is the first to arrive. “Get everyone inside. Stay here and hold the door for everyone. I’m going to make sure everyone gets inside.”

“You need to get inside. Let me and Liesel handle getting everyone,” Westcott argues. And I know Enzo has given him an order to lock me inside.

But if Milo comes I know he is coming for me. And I won’t let anyone else die because of me.

I wiggle free of Westcott’s hold easily and start running, Westcott tries to follow.

“Hold the door open, or none of us will survive,” I order.

Westcott stops, staying by the door.

And then I run up pushing as many people as I pass down into the cabins as I can.

A buzz alerts me to my phone. I stare at it as Enzo’s name pops up on my screen. I changed it from Giant Dick…

* * *

MY LOVE: Fifteen minutes.

* * *

I TAKE a deep breath feeling like a pirate about to have her ship invaded. I need to hold Milo off for fifteen minutes. I need to keep everyone safe for fifteen minutes.

It could take that long for Milo’s vessel to get here.

But when I get back to the main deck, I know my time is up.

Milo Wallace is standing on the end of the pool deck with a cheshire grin on his face.

But no other men accompany him. He knows Enzo is on his way here. He knows if I wanted to, I could hide away in the cabins below, and I would be safe from him. But that wouldn’t keep Enzo safe.

“I think you and I should talk,” Milo says.

“I agree.” And then I step forward, surrendering myself to someone worse than the devil, in hopes of saving my love.




The text message both startled me and pissed me off.

We have a traitor. Someone on my ship, or Rowan’s, betrayed us to Milo. It’s the only way Milo would have known to attack while we were most vulnerable.


“We attack tomorrow,” I say, ending the argument about when is the best day to attack.

“Agreed,” Rowan says with a growl.

If Milo took Kai, I need to get her back as soon as possible. “And if he already has her, we attack tonight.”

Rowan nods solemnly as I jump off his yacht and back onto my small boat.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark