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I don’t need Langston doubting right now.

I don’t need Zeke losing focus.

I need everyone ready to take down Milo.

I need to protect Kai, and then I need to set her free as promised.

I thought I should wait until the end of the game, but the longer we are together, the more damage I’m going to do to her.

She needs to be free. And the only way to set her free is to destroy Milo.



I FEEL uneasy with Enzo gone.

Like a piece of me was taken. I feel unsteady and unable to live. It’s like living under a dark cloud. Everything is in shades of grey and white. Color no longer exists in my world.

A storm has started to roll in in the distance, and I wrap my arms around my bare shoulders as I stand on the top deck looking out at the horizon where I watched Enzo leave with Langston and Zeke. They’ve only been gone an hour, but it feels like a lifetime.

“Here,” Liesel says from behind me. She’s holding out a shawl to me.

I take it and put it over my shoulders as I’m only wearing a bikini top, and short shorts cover my ass.

Liesel is dressed more conservatively in sweatpants and a long-sleeved T-shirt. I’ve never seen her dressed so down before. She’s usually glamorous and sex on heels.

“You okay?” I ask. We haven’t talked since the games. Enzo and her seem to come to some sort of agreement between them, but I know it’s not the same as it was before.

Liesel doesn’t answer me. “You know he’s coming for you.”

I frown. “Enzo? He’s coming back.”

She shakes her head. “Milo.”

“How do you know that?”

“The same as you, we can feel it. People like us who have been hurt before. Who have experienced true danger. We can feel it in our soul when danger is approaching. It doesn’t always help us escape it, but we can feel it coming.”

“It’s just the storm you feel.”

She closes her eyes as the wind picks up.

And then I see it. The light of a large vessel in the distance headed our way. And I feel it in my bones. I feel what I’ve felt this whole time, but pushed out because there was nothing I could do anyway.

“Get everyone and head to Enzo’s cabin,” I say.

“We can’t enter, not without you,” she says.


“I’ll go unlock the door. Get everyone. Now!”

I run downstairs as I text Enzo on my phone. The first text message I’ve made since getting the phone.

* * *

ME: Milo is coming.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark