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“I want you to get me the full blueprints of both Milo’s home and his yacht. I want to know everything about both locations and have our own plan of attack. Tell Rowan we will be speaking soon; I will not let Milo continue to live and put Kai at risk. I want him dead.”

Kai shudders next to me at the mention of Milo’s name. I want Milo dead now. I won’t let him come near Kai again. I want to protect my men from this dangerous asshole, but with Rowan’s team on our side, we have twice the army Milo does. Milo’s days are limited. I will kill him. I will set Kai free from any man who tries to claim her, including myself.




I’m surprised he’s had as much self-control as he’s had. I figured now that he has me trapped on a yacht with his best men, he would have gone on a mission by himself to take out Milo. It’s only a matter of time until Enzo gets impatient waiting.

Enzo is smart. He’s ruthless. He can be patient. But not when it comes to me. He wants me safe, yesterday.

And when he goes to kill Milo, he will go alone. He won’t risk his men. He won’t start a war with a man as dangerous as Milo over something personal.

Rowan may want revenge, but Enzo needs to heal the hurt he feels for betraying me. Enzo will never forgive himself for what he did. Even after I do. Even after he kills Milo.

And I’m terrified of what will happen when Enzo goes for Milo. Enzo is powerful, dangerous, and strong. I’ve never seen him fail in hand to hand combat. But Milo won’t play fair. I know that from my limited time with Milo. He’s cruel in a way that Enzo never will be. Enzo’s father may have trained him to be cruel, but deep down that’s not who Enzo is. Enzo is fair, ruthless, and he demands loyalty above everything else. But he would never kill or torture just for the sake of killing. He would never kill for his own amusement.

Milo does. He kills because he enjoys killing.

That’s why Milo has made so many enemies. That’s why Rowan hates Milo as much as Enzo does. I don’t know who Rowan lost to Milo, but I know he did. I could see it in Rowan’s eyes when he stole me from Milo. He’s felt pain I can only imagine. I’ve felt plenty of physical pain, but nothing like what Rowan has felt.

His pain is different. His pain rocks you to the core and lives inside in a cage that digs deep into his heart, tearing away at it slowly until there is nothing left. He lives with the loss of someone he loved every single day.

While I only live with the scars of what happened to me.

My eyes drift to Enzo still gripping my hand. A second ago, I was prepared to fight Liesel; my jealousy had gotten the better of me. I wanted to rip out her throat for thinking Enzo could ever be hers. But now I realize how stupid I was being. I would gladly let Liesel have Enzo if it meant he was safe.

Because right now, I fear for his safety. I don’t know if he will survive a battle with Milo. And that pain would destroy me.

I need more answers. I need a way to protect Enzo while also defeating Milo. Rowan might be that answer, but I don’t trust a man I hardly know. I don’t trust anyone. Not even my own father.

My father.

He’s betrayed me more than any man ever has. Because even though Enzo sold me to Milo, Enzo also saved me.

My father sold me and then never came for me. He didn’t rescue me. He didn’t save me.

And the only way I can truly heal is by facing him. By figuring out why and maybe learning more about this stupid game that hold Enzo and I captive. We're slaves to such a stupid game, all for a chance at ruling an empire I don’t want. And one Enzo suffers too much for. Because I know if one of his men were under attack, if one of his men’s wives were stolen by Milo like I was, he would still do everything fucking possible to get them back and make Milo pay.

“I need to talk to my father,” I say, seemingly out of nowhere. Two seconds ago, we were talking about Rowan and Milo; my father didn’t even enter the equation. But for all I know, my father was the one who sent Milo. He was the one to set the trap Enzo fell for when he sold me.

Langston takes a step back as if he knows he shouldn’t be involved in such a personal conversation, but I don’t care. Langston is more family to me than my father will ever be.

Enzo studies me for less than a second, not at all surprised by my change in topic. He’s been waiting for me to bring up my father this entire time.

Enzo nods and then turns to Langston. “Arrange for Mr. Miller to meet us at a set location. I don’t want him to know he is meeting us. Just give him an order through the usual chain of command.”

“Yes, sir,” Langston says, disappearing and leaving Enzo and I alone again—at least until Liesel escapes Zeke’s grasps and comes begging for attention again. I know I need to talk to Liesel and make things civil between us. I don’t know her whole story, but I know her story is important if she was let into Enzo’s deepest circle. But I’ll face Liesel later.

I should want to jump back into Enzo’s arms and fuck him like we were planning to moments before. He gave me everything he could, inching me closer to my freedom, and I’ve never felt closer to him. But right now we are both too on edge to fuck.

All I want is to cuddle in Enzo’s arms while I plan what I’m going to do with my father

. I want to hold Enzo close to me for as long as possible, because I don’t know how long I have left with him. Whether Milo kills him or Enzo finally sets me free, one way or another—our story ends the same, with my heartbreak.

Enzo squeezes me close to him, and I already feel my heart breaking. I’m such a goner.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark