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“Come here,” I say.

She moves to me silently. And then I press my lips gently to hers.

She smiles against my lips. “You really do want to give me my freedom, don’t you?”

“As much as I can.” Which I know isn’t enough for her. Giving her her own room and phone is nothing. I want her to be free, but I don’t know if I could bear it. Even if Milo is dead, letting her go would kill me.

So I don’t think about that. I’m done talking.

I grab her hips, sliding my hands up under my shirt she’s wearing to feel the curves of her hips as I pull her body tightly against mine. Kai deepens the kiss, pushing her tongue into my mouth as she moans her desire.

I will never get enough of her, and she will never get enough of me.

I hear the knock, but I don’t want to acknowledge it. Whoever it is can wait.

Then the doorbell rings, and the video system sounds at Kai’s door

, indicating someone needs to speak to her.

“Who is that?” Kai asks.

“Ignore it,” I say, taking her mouth back in mine. Kai is the only person who matters right now.

The doorbell rings again, and I moan.

“This better be fucking important,” I curse as I walk out of Kai’s room still gripping her hand to let her know this is not ending. As soon as I deal with whatever asshole problem is behind the door, I will return to fucking her brains out.

She giggles at me as I storm to the door and open it like she can feel all of the rage inside of me.

When I open the door, three pairs of eyes stare back at me.

I frown. “What the hell do you all want?”

Liesel crosses her arms and sways her hips to one side in her bikini top and cover up skirt. “You were the one that dragged me away from my high paying job to sit on a yacht all day. I don’t expect to be fucking ignored all trip.”

I growl and then turn to Zeke. I raise an eyebrow waiting, but he just glares at Liesel as does Kai next to me. “I was just escorting Miss Dunn to the pool deck.”

I turn my attention to Langston. “I have news from Rowan about Milo Wallace,” Langston says.

I crack my knuckles trying to remain calm. I need to get everyone off this fucking boat if for no other reason than for them to stop driving me nuts. If I could just have Kai and myself on this yacht by ourselves I would. For a second I consider moving them all to a second yacht so Kai and I can fuck in complete privacy, but I know it’s better for her protection if my best men are here.

“Zeke, continue the task at hand,” I say.

“My pleasure,” Zeke says, winking at Kai as he lifts Liesel over his shoulder.

“Put me down, you brute,” Liesel shouts.

Kai tries to contain a snicker next to me, but it still escapes.

I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. I wish Kai and Liesel could get along. It would be better for everyone, but Liesel doesn’t play nice with anyone. She never has. And Kai doesn’t understand Liesel and my’s past.

Now that I have gotten rid of Liesel and Zeke, I turn my attention to Langston. I want to order him to leave, but I need to hear what news he has about Milo.

“Speak,” I order, running out of patience.

“Milo has returned to Italy. He’s injured, as are a few of his best men, but they will all make a speedy recovery. He’s pissed, obviously, but assumes Rowan stole Kai from him. Rowan is doing some reconnaissance and thinks the best time to attack Milo is when he’s on his yacht, not at his home.”

I frown, not sure about that. Milo bought one of my yachts; I know its capabilities. But I prefer to attack at sea, and it seems Rowan feels the same.

Tags: Ella Miles Truth or Lies Dark