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“I need your help too,” he says, cutting me off.

I giggle. “How can I help you? You’re a god in this town. I couldn’t possibly help a man like you.”

He leans back in his chair, as he waves over a female waiter.

“Hello, Mr. King. What can I do for you?” the woman says seductively while touching his forearm.

Kade doesn’t smile back at her. He ignores her and instead narrows his eyes as he looks at me like he’s undressing me.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat. I turn my attention away from Kade to the woman I hate. She doesn’t get to touch him like that. I glare at her.

“This is Larkyn Day,” Kade says, turning the waitress’ attention toward me.

I snarl at her, and the woman hesitantly removes her hand from Kade’s arm.


“She’s going to be my wife. We got engaged this afternoon,” Kade finishes.

“Congratulations,” the woman says, taking a step away from Kade. “I’ll make sure the manager knows, and he’ll bring some complimentary champagne and dessert to help you celebrate.”

“Thank you, Theresa,” Kade says.

The woman practically runs off, like she can’t get away from us fast enough.

“That is how you can help me.”

I frown.

“I don’t understand.”

“Women hit on me constantly.”

I snort. “And that’s a problem?”

He growls in a throaty way. “Yes, it’s a problem. I don’t mind casual sex, but I’m not looking for a wife or heir. Every woman I date, especially the women in this town, are looking for a proposal the second I slip my dick inside them. They want my money and prestige that would come with getting my last name.”

I blush when he says the word dick, which he positively notices because the edge of his lips curl up as he says the word.

“And I will help your problem how? You’ll be fake married to me, the one thing you don’t want.”

“Exactly, I’ll be married to you. A woman who can make women run away with just a look.”

I huff. “That waiter did not run away because I looked at her.”

He folds his arms across his chest and gives me an oh really look.

“She ran away because you said we were engaged,” I say.

“Exactly, the combination of your scowl and the ring on your finger will keep the women away. I won’t have to worry about fending off women because you’ll do it for me.”

“I think you’re missing one essential part.”

His eyes deepen. “And what’s that?”

“That you won’t be able to do the sleeping with any of these women part. I’ll be fending off women, so I won’t allow you to be married to me and fuck other women on the side. And if anyone in my family found out, it would defeat the purpose of me doing this.”

He takes another bite of his bread, chewing, as a smirk forms. “Don’t worry, I won’t be fucking other women.”

Tags: Ella Miles Pretend Romance