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It feels strange, fitting into a crowd I’ve spent my whole life on the outskirts of. Not willingly trying to enter their world, but hating that I was never invited in.

Kade pulls out my chair, and I take a seat in the dark black chair, set in front of a white tablecloth with red flowers in the center. I turn my attention out the window, where strings of lights hang over the balcony, before the lake surrounded by flowers, fountains, and views. I didn’t even know a lake existed back here, but it might be the most romantic spot in all of Santa Barbara.

Kade leans back in his chair, smirking like he thinks I’m going to be able to fix whatever problems he has.

I swallow. I can’t even fix my problems. And I doubt fake marrying Kade will be the solution, however appealing it is.

A waiter appears and pours us both a glass of red wine. He also gives us a dish of bread with butter. I haven’t had white bread with butter in ages. I only put healthy food into my body, but tonight, I’m eating anything placed in front of me.

“How did the waiter know we wanted red wine?” I ask.

Kade lifts the oversized wine glass out to me. I pick up my glass. It’s so light. It must be real crystal.

“Because it’s his job to know. I’ve come to this restaurant many times. He knows my preferences. And if either of us isn’t happy with the wine, he will bring us a new glass of something else. He knows I prefer not to be disturbed or asked too many questions, so he won’t, unless I let him know there is a problem.”


“Now, to a night that will change both of our lives forever.”

We clink our glasses together, and I taste the wine. It’s good. I won’t be asking to return my wine.

Kade watches me as I take another sip before I put the glass down. I need to drink slowly, I’ve already had more alcohol than I usually drink and I need a clear head if I’m going to make the correct decision.

I take a piece of bread and spread it with the butter before taking a bite.

I moan as the rich honey butter coats my tongue and slowly slips down my throat.

Kade cocks his head to the side.


He shakes his head. “You’re just sexy as hell when you do that.”

I blush and put the piece of bread back on the plate.

“So tell me why you’ve decided we should get fake married. Because my theory is you’re high or drunk.”

He doesn’t blink or react to my joke. He takes his piece of the bread and butters it before chomping down on it, making me wait. I hate waiting.

I raise an eyebrow.

Kade leans forward like he’s about to tell me a secret.

“Because you need me.”

I fold my arms and lean back with a sigh. “I don’t need you or anyone else.”

“Maybe. Or maybe you need exactly this.”

I stop breathing, as I look into his dreamy eyes and cocky grin. He’s going to win this. I need to make sure the terms are what I want. If not, I’m going to end up hurt.

“And why do I need this?” I ask, not looking at him, and instead, eating more of the crunchy bread that tastes like cake in my mouth.

“Because you need everything I’m offering. Money, a place to live, a job, and a way to prove that not only can you fit into the world your family lives in, but you can rule it. You can be the top of the top. You won’t have to worry about your father, mother, sister, or anyone in this town, ever looking down on you again.”

I bite my lip trying to think about his words before responding, but I have too much on my mind to be patient with words.

“I don’t want—”

Tags: Ella Miles Pretend Romance