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She covered his lips with hers. As she pulled away she gave him a devilish smile. “So…if I were to push you in that tub of cold water, you’d still—”

He ripped the blanket off them both, exposing her damp skin to the cold air once again. “Ye’ll pay for that, you naughty little wood nymph.”

“I was joking, Will, don’t toss me in the water.” She grabbed his about the neck even tighter. He had no intention of dumping her in the tub. Instead he tumbled them both onto the bed. Neither of them was getting much sleep that night.


Six weeks later…

Gemma stood waiting for Will by the fire in his study. By all accounts, she was supposed to be up in her room. Stone was supposed to collect her any minute and walk her down the stairs to the great hall. They would marry in front of the fire with Mr. McLean officiating.

Her mother had arrived with Stone and his family a week ago, and she and Will had hardly seen each other since. Not that she was complaining. It had been wonderful to see her mother again and both had apologized for being so pigheaded.

“I should never have told you what to do,” her mother had cried, wrapping Gemma in her arms.

Gemma had hugged her back. “And I should have listened. I was young and stubborn. Even if I was going to do it my way, I didn’t need to storm off and tell you I never wanted to see you again. I was a fool.”

Blair had begun fixing up a cottage in the village for her mother while Stone was helping to bring in their first barley harvest. It wouldn’t make them rich, but it would keep them in business.

And while all the visitors and family had been wonderful, she’d missed Will. Before they said their vows, she wanted five minutes to hold him in her arms and tell him that she loved him.

The door creaked open and she spun about to throw her arms around him. He strode in holding Ewan in his arms. “Mum, mum, mum,” he babbled, reaching for her.

With a grin, she took the boy, kissing his fat cheek.

Fiona bounced in behind Will. “Mum, do ye like my dress?” Then she twirled about. “Delia gave it to me.”

The layers of cream silk floated about the little girl.

“I love it,” Gemma gushed, taking Fiona’s hand.

Will leaned over, Ewan pressed between them. “I ken ye wanted to meet the two of us but—”

“This is perfect.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his lips. “Ye’re perfect.”

Another knock came at the door. “I’m looking fer the bride who is supposed to walk down the aisle in five minutes,” Stone’s deep voice rumbled through the room. “While I can’t blame her fer running away from my arse of a brother, I should probably move all the guests to the wedding breakfast if there isn’t actually going to be a wedding.”

Fiona giggled and tossed open the door. Stone swept her up into his arms. He was a fierce-looking man and yet as gentle and loving as Will. Gemma smiled. “I wasn’t running from your brother but rather to him. I just needed a minute to be alone before the business of the day.”

“Alone?” Stone wiggled his eyebrows. “Well then, Ewan, yer coming wit’ me.”

Will set the boy down and he toddled willingly into Stone’s arms. “Own…Own,” he said as Stone lifted him and carried both children out of the room.

The moment the door closed, Will swept her into his arms, kissing her over and over. “We can’t send them home fast enough,” he said, giving her another squeeze.

“It’s wonderful to see them all,” she replied but she understood. They had not spent nearly enough time alone.

“It’s wonderful to see you, here with me, and no one else.”

She eased herself out of his arms and then twisted toward the desk to grab a box she’d set there earlier. It wasn’t much. Just a kerchief that she’d embroidered with his initials but it was something to commemorate the day.

As she turned, however, her head began to swim and her eyes grew fuzzy. She reached for the edge of the desk but only found air as the world began to tilt in the strangest way.

“Gemma,” Will bit out. Strong hands grasped her, holding her in place as she tried to keep the world from going black.

She clutched his forearms, closing her eyes to clear her vision.

“Did ye remember to eat today, love?” he asked pulling her against his chest. “I thought ye’d put on weight so this wouldn’t happen again.”

Tags: Tammy Andresen Brethren of Stone Historical