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Gemma couldn’t breathe. Her heart had been broken a minute ago, but here was Will putting it back together once again. “Yes,” she whispered.

Then he turned to Fiona. “And you, my little lass who scared me half to death. Will you be our daughter?”

Fiona sucked in her breath as a sob broke from her little chest. Gemma couldn’t stand it and she threw herself at them both wrapping them in a hug. “Don’t cry Fiona. If you keep crying, I’m going to cry.”

“I’m so happy,” Fiona wailed. “I can’t help it.”

“We’re going to be a family,” Gemma said, hugging them tighter.

“Well, we’re going to make it legal.” Will gave a low chuckle. “In my heart, we already are.”

“Let’s go get Ewan,” Gemma pulled herself off of them both. “He needs to be part of this hug too.”

Chapter Nineteen

Will didn’t work for the rest of the afternoon. The next day, he’d be back at it but that day, he had something far more important to do. He had to hold his family.

They ate their lunch and then returned home. Blair took over the work in the McLaren croft and Will was certain his fields were in capable hands.

He and Gemma sat with the children the rest of the day. It was the most pleasant one he’d had in a long time. After they put the children to bed, Will brought up several buckets of hot water and filled a large bath. Climbing in together, they began planning their wedding.

Will sat with Gemma between his legs as he gently soaped her arms. “We could go see a smithy and be done with it.”

She looked back at him, tendrils of hair curling around her face from the steam. “Much as I want to be your wife, I want to include our families too.” She reached up to stroke his jaw, her fingers scratching along the stubble. “I want to send an invitation to my mother, though I don’t know how I’ll get her here if she accepts.” Gemma sighed. “Still, I need her to know she’s welcome into our lives.”

“We’ll get her here. Blair owns a shipping company,” he said, pushing her forward to wash her back.

She raised her brows, still looking over her shoulder. “Another favor? What’s gotten into you?”

“Blair was right. I helped both him and Stone when they got started and I shouldn’t feel bad about needing help in return. Besides, it isn’t just about me anymore.” He pulled her back against him, beginning to wash her front.

Her breath caught, her back expanding against his chest as he soaped over her breasts. “I suppose it isn’t.”

He found the shell of her ear with his lips and gently suckled the sensitive skin into his mouth even as his hands slid lower. “Besides, Stone is paying for the wedding feast.”

She gasped as his fingers found her most sensitive spot. “Why is that?” she groaned as Will hardened. Her sounds were as enticing as the rest of her.

“I spent years farming his l

and for free. I’ve only just realized he owes me.” Will didn’t really mean it like that. He was grateful to have his brother’s help and he’d do anything for either Blair or Stone. But, Stone was going to tease him incessantly when he asked for money and so he needed to be prepared with a response.

“I’d…tell…you…to be…kind…but…” Gemma panted.

He let out a low rumble. “Ye’re right, no more talking.” Then, grasping her hips, he turned her so their chests pressed together even as he slid inside her sheath.

She clasped her arms around his neck, even as he held her hips, guiding her movements. It began slowly, their bodies moving together. As their desire built so did the tempo until they were both panting and groaning. Will gritted his teeth, his body desperate for release but he ignored it, more concerned with hers.

When he couldn’t stand another second, she let out a cry even as she tightened around him, her body shuddering against his. He couldn’t hold back another second as he groaned out a release of his own.

Gemma collapsed against him, her body melting into his. He stroked her back for a minute before he lifted them both out of the water. “It’s getting cold,” he murmured, kissing her shoulder.

Her cheek tightened and he knew she was grinning. “You’ve dealt with colder.”

“You little minx,” he rumbled. “I’ll get ye back fer that someday.” He didn’t really mean it, which he thought obvious as he wrapped them both in a blanket.

But Gemma pulled back to look at him. “Will,” her voice was hoarse as her hands came to both his cheeks. “I’m not sure how I not only managed to gain your forgiveness but also your love. However that came to pass, I am so grateful.”

His chest tightened. “Love, I appreciate what ye’re saying but ye don’t need to be grateful. I don’t ken how I’d do any of this without ye. It’s me who should be thanking ye.”

Tags: Tammy Andresen Brethren of Stone Historical