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“No one did,” Aubrey said quickly. “I’m sure of it.”

“I hope so.” Willow sent her a pointed look. “He’ll come around. Just be patient.”

She was sick of being patient. She’d been patient her entire life. Now that she’d had a taste of Flynn…she wanted another. And another after that, too. “I hate that word,” she muttered.

Willow laughed, the witch. “Everyone does. And, hey, there’s nothing wrong with playing hard to get.”

“So you’re saying I shouldn’t run up to him and demand an explanation?” Aubrey was joking, but really, she felt at a complete loss. She had no idea what she should do, how she should approach him. She got tense just thinking about it.

“Absolutely do not demand an explanation,” Willow said emphatically. “Men don’t like demands, especially this early in the game.”

“Game? I’m not trying to play any games. Doesn’t he get that enough in his job?” Aubrey’s shoulders slumped, defeat settling over her. She was letting him get to her.

“Come on, dating is a total game. You just need to be a savvy player.” Willow snapped her fingers, as if she’d just come to a world-stopping realization. “You know what the problem is?”

Aubrey sat up straighter. If Willow solved all of her Flynn problems right now, she’d probably drop to the floor and kiss her new friend’s feet. “What? What is it?”

“Flynn absolutely does not know how to play the game.”

“Well, duh.” Aubrey blew out a harsh breath. “He’s terrible at the game.” Though he was really good in bed, she had to give him that. He knew just what to do with the sex part, and she wasn’t sure if that was natural instinct or what. But socially? As in dating?

The guy probably didn’t have a clue.

“It’s because he’s not an expert at the game. As in, he lacks experience.” Willow paused. “Or so I’ve heard and observed. He’d rather argue field strategy than talk to a pretty girl.”

Ugh. So true. If he was completely enamored of her, he should’ve come around her office by now, right? More likely, he was avoiding her because they shouldn’t be seen together, considering their relationship would be frowned upon. “I’m overthinking this, aren’t I?”

“Completely!” Willow looked at her as if she’d finally figured it out. “Don’t stress it. Easier for me to say than do, but I really think you need to just relax and wait for him to approach you. Let him come around to being the conquering male. They love that sort of thing.”

“I suppose,” Aubrey muttered.

“Come on.” Willow’s voice lowered, and a sly smile appeared. “You’ve got to give me more details. He rocked your world, didn’t he? That’s why you’re so stressed-out.”

“Stop.” Aubrey’s cheeks turned pink, and Willow started to laugh.

“And I bet he was huge, huh? A boy that tall and with those arms has to be packing, if you know what I mean.”

Good Lord, she couldn’t believe what Willow was saying but…yes. She was so dead-on about what he was packing. “Fine,” Aubrey said with a put-upon sigh. She was having fun chatting with Willow, and maybe sharing this little bit would bring them closer. “He was totally hung.”

“Ha! I knew it. Lucky girl. Not that I’m complaining. My man is very well endowed,” Willow said smugly.

Aubrey stuck her fingers in her ears, not wanting to hear any details about Nick Hamilton’s…genital area. Oh God. And was that older woman sitting the next table over really glaring at them? Crap, she’d probably overheard.

She desperately wanted to crawl under the table. Or slink her way out of the deli, never to return. Which would be a real shame, since she loved their sandwiches.

Willow, though, was laughing her butt off at Aubrey’s misery. The brat. “Sorry. It’s just…that woman glared at us and, yeah. That was hilarious. I bet we shocked the crap out of her.”

“It’s not hilarious. This is my life,” Aubrey hissed out the last word. “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation.”

“You’re the one who asked me to meet you for lunch,” Willow reminded, amusement lacing her voice. “And you’re the one who wanted to talk about your sex life.”

Well. She had her there. “So tell me what to do. Tell me how to handle this, because clearly I’m just as bad at the game as Flynn is.”

Willow raised a brow. “Have you had sex before?”

“Come on.” Aubrey barely restrained from rolling her eyes again. She wasn’t a crazed sex maniac who’d had an endless stream of partners, but she’d been with a few guys.

“And have you been in a steady relationship before?”

Tags: Karen Erickson Game for It Romance