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“Yeah, but it’s been a while.” She thought of her ex. It didn’t even matter anymore that he was getting married. But thanks to her freak-out over Derek’s engagement announcement, she’d approached Flynn and…landed him. So did that mean she owed Derek a thank-you?

Ha. Now, that would be a hilarious conversation.

“Then, you definitely have a leg up on Flynn. So I think you need to implement a plan.” Willow smiled and took a sip from her drink.

Unease slipped down Aubrey’s spine. “A plan?” she asked weakly.

Willow nodded. “

It’s going to be fabulous. He won’t know what hit him.”

“What sort of plan are you talking about?”

“The plan that we shall name Operation Seduce Flynn Foley.” Willow laughed and shook her head. “Don’t worry. This is going to be easy.”

Aubrey wasn’t so sure about that.

“You wanted to talk to me?” Flynn hovered at the open doorway of Harvey Price’s office, nerves making him jittery, bouncing from one foot to the other. He was exhausted after running his ass off for hours, pushing himself beyond his usual limits.

Jared Quinn outplayed him every single time. Trotting out onto the field as if he wasn’t even winded, and he was an old man compared to Flynn.

Damn it, he couldn’t even hate on the guy long enough to let it fester in his gut. He liked Quinn. Flynn knew he irritated the crap out of the quarterback sometimes, but he admired the guy. He was a freaking legend.

And Flynn was nothing but a benchwarmer.

Get over yourself, you damn baby.

“Come in, Flynn. Shut the door.” Harvey waved him in, and Flynn went inside, letting the door shut behind him. “Have a seat.”

He settled in the chair across from Harvey’s desk. The publicist’s usual friendly expression was gone, replaced with a dour look. Like a world-is-gonna-come-crashing-down-on-their-heads type of look. “Everything okay?”

“We need to talk, son.”

Well, crap. Any conversation that began with those words couldn’t be good. “What about?”

Harvey took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, as if he needed to calm himself down. “Did you leave the party at the restaurant Sunday night with Aubrey?”

Flynn went still. So this was about Aubrey? Had she told on them to Harvey, or what? “I gave her a ride home, yes. She wanted to leave the party early, and so did I. It made sense for us to leave together.”

“Did anything…happen between you two?”

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Flynn said defensively as he started to sweat. Hell. He felt like the world’s biggest jackass, how he hadn’t talked to Aubrey since that night. He’d told himself he’d been too busy, but the reality was…

He didn’t know what to say. How to act around her. Stupid, he knew it, but hell. What was he supposed to do? If he was around Aubrey, he wasn’t sure if he could fake it that nothing had happened between them. Because something had—something major—and if it was written all over his face, then he could possibly get her in trouble with her boss. And he couldn’t risk it.

Forget that. He wouldn’t hurt her. And he didn’t want to get hurt, either. Relationships were nothing but trouble. His dad had said that to him time and again throughout high school and college and especially now. Friendships, girls, hell, even his grades to a point, should’ve all fallen to the wayside, according to his father. Football was the end all, be all. He remembered his dad’s words. They’d become a mantra in his head from the time he was young.

Focus on the game. Focus on the ball. Focus on you.

“Listen, it’s going to become everyone’s business because US magazine has a picture on their website of you and Aubrey together, leaving your house in the middle of the night.” Harvey pushed a sheet of paper toward Flynn, across his otherwise pristine desk.

Picking it up, Flynn could tell immediately it was a page printed right off the US website. A small article, a few hundred words, talking about his lackluster career, his late night—more like an early morning—with a “mysterious and beautiful redhead,” and how maybe his new girl would give him a stroke of luck after she de-virginized the infamous virgin football player.

Funny word choice there, “stroke.” Oh, and talking about his sexual status, that was a nice touch, too. But what else was new?

The picture was grainy, taken from a distance. They were in his car, just pulling out of his driveway. The dazed and confused look on Aubrey’s face was clear as day. As was the equally dazed and confused expression he wore.

Tags: Karen Erickson Game for It Romance