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I stepped out onto the porch and looked toward the stable. The men were nowhere to be seen and it wasn't quite time for dinner. Even with the plug in my bottom, I wanted to go for a walk and think about Olivia and what she did for her husband, the fucking the men had given me over the wagon and how I couldn't tell them apart at such times, everything.

Moving with a slow, awkward gait, I followed the creek behind the house, this time having no interest in taking a dip. The sun, even low in the sky, felt good on my skin. Looking down, I realized I still wore the scarf that covered my breasts. With the buttons in the back, I knew I wouldn't be able to undo it without assistance. It would, perhaps, be one of the only times I'd be on the ranch and wearing it.

Strangely enough, I found the fabric bothersome and my nipples felt chafed beneath the material. I smiled to myself, recognizing how I was adjusting to married life, even after only a few days. The men liked me uncovered, and I was coming to like it as well. There were other things too, such as--

"Good, you're alone."

The man's voice startled me out of my reverie and I jumped. My hand flew to my heart as it practically beat out of my chest.

He was tall and thin and wore a fancier traveling suit than men from Liberty, yet he was sweating heavily and he needed a shave. His arm was supported by a makeshift sling as if he'd been injured or--

"I see you recognize me now." His voice was low and a little crazed.

"Devney shot you," I said as I took a step backward. Then another. The stable was in the other direction, behind me. Garrett and Tagg didn't know where I was. What were this man's intentions?

"Damn the woman," he growled. "That's why I need you to tell me where she is."

My eyes widened. He wanted Devney? "Why?" I started to move in a half circle away from the water so I could face the house. If I needed to run, I wanted to run toward help, not away from it.

"Because she's going to marry me."

"Marry you? She won't have anything to do with you. Wasn't being shot enough of a sign?"

My response infuriated him. His face reddened and the veins in his neck distended.

"She does not have to consent to be married. Now. Where. Is. She?" Each word he clearly enunciated. Loudly.

"I don't know! I haven't seen her in almost a week."

He stalked closer. "Fine. Then you're coming with me until we find her. If not, then you'll do."

I darted away from him. "Me? I have nothing you could want. She's the widow. She's the one that inherited the ranch."

Sharing this wasn't betraying Devney. He knew everything I'd told him.

"I'm not marrying you," he growled. "Being shackled to you will be of no use, especially since I saw you fucking those men. Both of them. You're used goods. But I can use you as...leverage."

He was fast and caught me by surprise, his fingers digging into my arm, and tugging me along, his long legs eating up distance and I had to run to keep up.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, breathing hard. Looking over my shoulder, I searched frantically for Tagg or Garrett. If this man took me, would they think I ran away? Would they think I left them to continue on my journey as I'd originally intended? They'd think I didn't love them, didn't want them.

"To my horse, and then to find your stepmother."

I tripped on a tree root and stumbled, the man's grasp painful as he hoisted me back up, but I'd slowed him.

The next time I tripped, I did it on purpose. He let go and let me fall to my knees. Catching my breath, I looked up at him. "I won't go with you!" I shouted as loud as I could. "Help!"

The man's gaze darted left and right. "Get up!" he growled, grabbing my arm once again.

I shook my head. "I won't leave here. You can't make me."

"Sarah!" I heard my name being called from a distance. Hope leapt in my chest.

"They're looking for me," I told the man, staring up at him from my spot on the ground.

"You bitch!" He paced away, then back, pointed down at me. "I'll find Devney Jenkins without you."

"Sarah!" My name was louder this time.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic