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In tacit agreement, Garrett would take her first. As he pulled out his cock, I lifted her skirt, tossing it up and over her back. Seeing as it could reach, I lifted it up higher to cover her head, just to ensure she couldn't see. I wanted her to want us equally, to see that even though two different men were fucking her, we were all one. There would be no difference in who fucked her. Garrett and I were both claiming her and Sarah would submit to both of us.


Garrett gently tapped her foot with his booted one, and she widened her stance, just to the point where if she went any further, she'd be up on her toes. Her pussy was on full display - so pink, so wet, so swollen and ready. I ran a finger over her folds as Garrett nudged the tip of mine into her slick ass. She shifted her hips and moaned as we did so.

"This pussy is ours, Sarah," I said.

"Davis might share Olivia's mouth with the men, but her pussy belongs to him," Garrett added.

"No one will see you like this, like we do. No one will touch you. You've been claimed, Sarah."

Even from beneath the layers, we could both clearly hear her breathy yes.

I moved my hand away as Garrett spread her folds with his fingers, then slid into her in one long, smooth stroke. Placing his palms on the pale globes of her ass, he slowly, ever so slowly, worked himself in and out, ensuring that every inch of her pussy came in contact with his cock. As she tried to shift into his motions, Garrett held her more firmly. She wasn't going to find her pleasure, Garrett was going to give it to her.

I watched as her pussy lips spread and stretched around his cock. Her juices coated him and her ass clenched tightly just as I imagined her pussy squeezing down on his cock. Not being able to handle the discomfort of my pants, I pulled my cock free and stroked myself.

"Who's fucking you, Sarah?" I asked, my voice rough with my need.

"I don't know!" she cried out.

Garrett could only hold the slow pace for so long before his need took over. His hips pistoned in and out of her at a greater pace until his head fell back and he groaned, his cock buried deep inside her.

"Who just filled you with seed?" Garrett questioned.

Her skirt shifted as she shook her head. "I don't know!"

She hadn't come, and her voice was becoming agitated with the need for it.

Garrett pulled out his spent cock, his seed spilling free with it.

As he stepped back to right himself, I ran my hand over her pussy - dripping with her juices and Garrett's seed - to circle her clit. With my other hand, palm on her spread cheeks, I hooked my thumb down and tipped it into her ass, to the first knuckle, then to the joint. The combination had her screaming her pleasure, her ass clenching down on my thumb and I saw her pussy squeezing equally hard on...nothing. I rubbed her clit until she settled once again, then moved my hand while keeping my thumb lodged deeply in her ass. Since my cock was already free, it was easy to slip it in.

"Who just made you come, Sarah?" Garrett asked.

I didn't take her easily like Garrett had. I'd waited too long to be gentle. My need to come was too great. Placing the palm of my free hand on the wagon bed, I fucked her hard, pounding her into the wagon.

She didn't answer Garrett's question, just groaned each time I filled her completely.

It was animalistic. It was dark. It was rough. But she loved it. There was no question of that when she came again, this time I felt her inner walls all but choking my cock. She screamed, then continued to cry out with each continued thrust, her voice now hoarse. Her orgasm pushed me into mine and I couldn't help but roar as my balls tightened and my seed spurted into her very depths. Once my breath finally returned to normal, I pulled out and couldn't help the primal feelings I had as I saw the mixed seed coating her.

If there had ever been any question about whether we'd get her with child, there was no doubt in my mind that we'd bred her right here in the middle of the open prairie.


I'd been taken well and good. The way they'd covered my eyes only intensified the pleasure. I truly hadn't known who'd been fucking me and I didn't care. Being with them one on one was good, the orgasms still incredible. But this - when all three of us were together - was something entirely different.

When I was lowered to the ground in front of the house, the men gave me some time as they left to tend to the horses. I went up the steps to the front porch and Garrett called to me. I turned and looked at my men. So big, so handsome, so unbelievably desirable. Unlike Olivia, I only wanted them. I only needed what they could give me.


p; "Put the plug in, Sarah. It's the biggest size, which means we'll take you together soon. As soon as you're ready."

The idea of having them claim me at the same time had me hurrying to my bedroom. I'd found it was easier to work in the plug without my skirt, so I undid the button and let it drop to the floor. My pussy was still damp with their seed, the sticky feeling extending down my thighs. I could wipe it off, but I didn't want to. I liked the feeling of it, liked that they'd marked me. Grabbing the very large, very wide plug, I pulled the ointment from the shelf by the mirror and coated the smooth wood.

Climbing onto the bed, I knelt, then leaned forward so I rested forward upon one shoulder, my head turned so my cheek rested against the quilt. Reaching back, I bumped my opening with the cold, wet end. Working a plug in was no longer scary or daunting. This one was massive, almost comparable to my husbands' cocks, but not quite. I had a feeling they were keeping their cocks the largest things that would enter me.

It took some time to work this one in, for it was quite long. When I felt my fingers against my spread cheeks, I worked it in and out for a time, fucking myself just as they wanted. Even without their eyes upon me, I wanted to please them. Knowing it was almost time to take them both, I extended this session a little longer.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic