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Slowly, she returned to herself, warily looking up at us. Her gaze slid from Doc to McKenzie in a languorous way and settled on me. Her lids were droopy, her eyes vague, her skin flushed and bright with perspiration. I grinned at her. "You were so beautiful. Did you like that, baby?"

She grinned. It lit up her face like a sun breaking free of the clouds. "Oh, yes," she replied breathily.

"Want to do that again?"

She nodded dreamily.

"The next time you come is going to be with my cock buried to the hilt in your pussy. Come on, baby, stand so I can get that dress off." I helped her off the table, working the buttons down the front of her dress and then slipping the fabric from her shoulders. I pushed it down past her hips. Holding out a hand, I helped her step out of the garment where it now pooled at her feet.

"Sheriff, undo her corset while I check her pussy to make sure she's wet enough for my cock."

Her eyes flared in surprise.

"It's not wrong if I command it," I told her.

McKenzie moved to stand behind Devney and reached around to work his fingers down her stays. I knelt down and slipped two fingers up and into her tight pussy. The abrupt motion had her lifting up onto the balls of her feet and gasping in surprise, then groaning in pleasure.

"She's wet, but unbelievably tight," I said darkly, looking up the length of Devney's body to meet her gaze. "She'll need more ointment so my cock slides in nice and easy."

Doc handed me the glass jar and I coated three of my fingers liberally.

McKenzie undid the final stay on her corset and the confining garment came loose and dropped to the floor. Her breasts weren't overly large like Tessa's, nor small like Maura's. They were a perfect handful, with large, flat nipples a pretty pink color that was a shade lighter than her pussy. Reaching up, I cupped them in my palms; they were heavy, yet silky soft and supple. I ran my thumb over the tips and she sagged, her legs giving out. McKenzie held her securely about the waist as I began to finger fuck her pussy, stretching her open for my cock and working in even more ointment. Soon enough, she'd be dripping wet from her own arousal and the ointment wouldn't be needed. For now, for her first fucking, she needed to be thoroughly coated so I could fuck her as hard as I wanted.

Once Devney started shifting her hips, I knew it was time, especially when she called out. "Oh, God. Oh!"

I looked to McKenzie, who took Devney's arm gently, keeping her upright. I moved to sit in one of the chairs and opened the placket on my pants, pulling my cock free. "Ever seen a cock before, baby?"

She looked down at my engorged member and her eyes widened. ""

"Turn her around," I told McKenzie, who spun her to face away from me. I reached forward and grabbed her hips, pulled her back to me. Her ass was full and round and perfect. I'd take it, but not now. Now, I lowered her to sit upon my spread thighs. She was tall, but lithe. Her skin was pale and creamy next to my tanned forearms. I could smell her arousal and it made my cock bob and ache with the need to be buried deep. "I'm going to lift you up, baby, and you're going to sit down right on my cock," I said gruffly. "See Doc and the sheriff? They're going to watch your pussy get filled with a cock for the first time. Up you go."

I lifted her hips and pulled her back until my cock was positioned directly beneath her pussy, the very tip bumping against her slick folds. "Move your hips. Work me in."

Slowly, very slowly, she shifted as the head of my cock began to slide in. The feel of her inner walls was unbelievable - hot, wet and oh so tight. "More, baby," I rasped.

She sunk down another inch, but she struggled, fought against the invasion, her hands pushing at my thighs. "I can't. You're too big," she complained.

"Devney, I'm not too big. You're tight. Doc and McKenzie are looking at how you're being stretched open. Look at them. See what you do to them?"

Doc leaned against the table, McKenzie against the wall, their gazes fixed on Devney's spread thighs and the sight of her pussy being split wide by my cock. They were both aroused by her. The way she moaned, she was aroused by them as well.

"Touch your breasts," McKenzie told her. She complied and lifted her hands to cup her mounds as they rose and fell with each deep breath. Her skin was damp, her hair falling down her back now, loose and free.

Her pussy instantly got wetter and she sank further. "She likes that, McKenzie. Now lean forward and you'll slide in deeper. There, there's your maidenhead. Say goodbye to it, baby. Now you're mine," I gritted out through clenched teeth. It was torture with her going so slow. I'd been patient with her, more patient than most husbands with their bride. But I could hold out no longer. With a quick thrust of my hips, I shoved my cock up into Devney's pussy as I pulled her hips down so that I ripped through her maidenhead and hit the end of her channel.

She cried out and fought against my hold, trying to squirm off my lap. Her thighs rested on mine; she was fully seated. The feel of her pussy milking my cock, adjusting to the invasion had me ready to come. I could feel my balls tighten, my orgasm building.

"Very good, Devney. You gave your virginity to Sam, but you shared it with us,

" Doc said, trying to soothe her mind as her body adjusted to my girth.

I stood, lifting Devney with me with a surprised gasp and took a step that had her bent forward over the table, her belly and breasts pressed into the cool wood. Doc stepped back out of the way as I grabbed hold of the far end of the table and began fucking her. Hard. She might be a virgin. She might be wary of a virtual stranger being her husband, but she was mine and I would take her. The way she cried out with each deep thrust, she wanted it. "I can feel you squeezing my cock, Devney, so I know you want this. Know you like being watched. The men are looking at your naked body, watching you get fucked. Come for me, baby."

I didn't stop thrusting, and continued to work her again and again until she started pushing back against me, meeting me so that our skin slapped, the wet sounds of her arousal and ointment filling the room as I pumped my cock into her.

All at once, she tensed, her pussy all but strangling my cock. She screamed, loud and lusty as she came, her face turned sideways on the wooden table, her eyes fixed upon Doc and McKenzie. I quickly followed, there was no way to resist, nor did I wish to. Her pussy clenched and pulled my cock in as deep as it could go and I flooded her with pulse after pulse of my seed.

I slapped a hand onto the table so I didn't collapse upon her as I caught my breath. It had been the most intense orgasm of my life. This was my wife, this was the woman where my every desire lay. I could take her, use her, show her off, teach her everything I wanted her to know. She was mine. And when I slipped my spent cock from her pussy, my seed tinged with her virgin blood confirmed this.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic