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I couldn't move. It was possible that every bone in my body dissolved like sugar at the bottom of a teacup. I'd reached a pinnacle of pleasure not once, but twice and it had been...heaven on earth. I had no idea my body could feel like that. I had no idea my...pussy could be worked in such a way to make that happen.

And Mr. Bridger. Lord above, he was handsome and virile and so arousing. His voice was calm, yet demanding. He was dominant that I wanted desperately to please him. I had no choice but to obey. When he'd called in the sheriff and the doctor to watch me touch myself, in the most carnal and inappropriate of ways, I hadn't been embarrassed as I should have been because he'd told me this was what he wanted. He took the guilt, the shame away. His words absolved me of it being wrong which made it oh so right. Just the sight of them watching me made every touch of my fingers on that special spot, every dip inside of me even more incredible. I'd wanted them to watch me, wanted the men to see what I was doing. And then I'd exploded, like TNT on a mine, all fire and brightness.

And then he took me. There was no other way to describe it. One minute I was slowly sinking upon his hardness - it was so big that I thought there was no chance it would fit - and the next I was face down upon the table and he'd thrust so deep we were one. My maidenhead was no more. I'd been very thoroughly compromised, and with two very official witnesses. When he pulled himself from my depths, I felt his seed dripping out. There was no question who I belonged to now.

"Are you intending to breed her?" Doctor Graham asked.

I glanced up at the men, my head still turned, my cheek pressed into the cool wood.

"No. At least not now. I have a feeling Devney feels the same way." Mr. Bridger moved into my view, pressed his forearms on the table and leaned down so his face was close to mine. I hadn't noticed how dark the scruff of his beard was as it came in. "Baby, we need to decide now if you want me to breed you, or if you want a passel full of kids."

I was too tired to think. "Kids?"

"My seed's in your belly."

Oh. Oh! "No." I pushed up onto my forearms, panicked. I reached one arm back and wiped at the thick seed that was dripping out of me. "No, please. I don't want children. Not after how my father treated me. The way Jack neglected Sarah--his own daughter."

Mr. Bridger moved my fingers away from my pussy, then gave me a soft smile. "You'd be a terrific mother. But Doctor Graham's going to make sure we can take our time and decide." He pushed off the table. "There's your answer, Doc."

"Fine." He went over to his cabinet and pulled out another glass jar, opened it and removed a small white object. Turning back around, he handed them to Mr. Bridger. "Here. Use this one."

I pressed up off the table to rise.

"No, baby. Stay right there." He moved directly behind me. "To keep my seed from taking root, we need to put this pill up inside you. It has special medicine that prevents it."

His hand moved between my legs and he worked his seed around, then back to coat my--

"Wait. No!" I pushed up, but he placed a hand on the small of my back, holding me in place. I felt the air move before I felt the stinging slap to my bottom. He'd spanked me! I jolted, not expecting it. The spot stung, but he hadn't done it hard, only to get my attention. My father had done much, much worse, even through layers of clothing. But Mr. Bridger's single spanking had my nipples tingling as they pressed into the hard surface. It was not an assault; it wasn't violent. It was a reminder, a way for me to refocus my attentions on him.

"The pill needs to go in your ass, baby. If you resist, I'll spank your ass a pretty shade of pink. Ah, the one spot with my handprint is making me hard again. Do you want a spanking and then the pill or will you take the pill like a good girl?" As he spoke, I felt a finger circling my back passage, lightly rimming around, then slowly pushing harder.

"I'll...oh!" I began to pant against the pressure I felt because of his finger. "I'll be a good girl."

He circled, widened, pushed in. Oh!

"Every day I will put the pill in."

"Based on the amount of seed that's dripping out - and that's just from one fuck - you'll want to do it morning and night," Doctor Graham added.

"But why...there?" I sucked in a breath as the tip of his finger gained entry. I pushed out with my muscles, trying to force it out, but it only let his slippery digit slide in further. "'s too big."

"Nonsense," Mr. Bridger replied. "Besides having a pill in your ass, you'll be corked as well."

I was trying to focus on his words, but was distracted by the jangly feelings his one finger moving in and out of my bottom elicited. "Corked?"

His finger switched course, returning to the circular rubbing, working my opening wider and wider. I couldn't help but groan at the stretching, the burning.

"A wife has her ass corked. That means I will put a cork, a round piece of wood, in you. Doc, show her one."

My husband's fingers continued their motion as Doc placed a small piece of wood, round and smooth, in a similar shape to a spool for thread, upon the table. It wasn't large, but neither was Mr. Bridger's finger, and it was too much.

"That keeps you remembering that you belong to me, always feeling like what I'm doing now with my finger. It also keeps the pill deep inside, keeps you slick so I can fuck your ass."

I shifted my hips hoping to get free of the invasion, but all it did was push it in deeper. I moaned. Was this what it would feel like to have his cock there?

"I think you're ready for the pill." He pulled his finger free and I slumped against the table. I only had a moment's reprieve when I felt something pressing against my...ass again, this time larger than his fingers.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic