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"Sure thing." I started to undo my pants as I spoke. "Every morning you're going to suck my cock. When you've done a good job, you'll get your snack."

I almost sighed in relief when my cock sprang free, uncomfortable in the tight confines of my pants.

Her eyes widened at the sight of my cock as it bobbed toward her in the bright light of day. Sitting on the bed as she was, her mouth was in perfect alignment to take it.

"You want me to what?" She scrunched up her face. "What kind of snack are you talking about?"

"My seed, of course. Based on the amount dripping from your pussy last night, it should fill your stomach. You might not even need any breakfast."

She just sat there and stared. I wanted to grin at her, hair all tangled, breasts thrust out, whisker burn on her neck, bloodstained sheets behind her, confusion of how a cock went in her mouth blatant on her face.

"In the morning, you don't even have to get on your knees. You can just sit right there like you are, all soft and pretty from your sleep." I stepped in closer so that my cock was just an inch from her mouth. All I had to do was thrust my hips to be down her throat. "Open up, darlin'."

"I...I don't know how," she replied, licking her lips.

"Just like a sucker candy. Lick the head," I instructed, barely restraining myself from thrusting forward.

She did as told, although extremely tentatively. At first, she touched me with little licks like a cat. It felt so amazing my balls drew up tight and I couldn't help but groan. Her eyes flashed up to mine at the sound. I wasn't going to last long, although for her first time, that might be best. "Swirl your tongue all over, then take the whole thing in your mouth."

Tessa shook her head, her eyes riveted to my now glistening cock. "I...I can't."

"You can, darlin'. I'll teach you how. This is your first task of the day. Every day. We will not leave this room until I've come and filled your belly."

She glanced up at me once again, unsure. Tilting up her chin, she replied, "But, what if I'm not good? What if you don't like it?"

Her parents surely wounded her self-confidence. I had to remember praise her as well as tame her. I shifted my hips forward so that my cock bumped her mouth. "I'm going to like everything you do, Tessa. Don't you worry about that. Now, open up."

She did and I slid my cock in, not giving her time to waffle. I pushed in deeply to the back of her throat, which made her gag. Her hands came out and pushed frantically against my thighs. I eased back a little bit as she caught her breath, her nostrils flaring.

"You can take me all the way in, Tessa." I pushed in, bumping against her throat once again and her eyes flared wide in panic. I pulled back. "That's it. Breathe through your nose. When I go all the way in, swallow." I pushed in and she made a cry of protest, although it came out garbled around my cock. Drool dripped from the corner of her mouth. "Yes, darlin'," I hissed when she'd taken all of me, although with substantial protest. "Such a good girl. Now swallow."

She couldn't do it. Tears dripped from the corners of her eyes and she continued to fight me. I pulled back about an inch, moderating my strokes until she caught her breath. Once she'd calmed, I thrust deep again and her innocent little mouth was too much. Quickly, like a teenager and his first cock sucking, I came. My orgasm started in my spine and up into my balls.

"Swallow, darlin'," I groaned, pumping my hips. "Take it all."

When the first thick stream of cum hit the back of Tessa's throat, her eyes widened even further. She worked to take all of my seed, her small hands pounding on the muscles of my thighs, most likely surprised by the thick ropes of cum filling her mouth, sliding down her throat.

Even with her struggling, I sighed in satisfaction, I couldn't help it. Her tentativeness had pushed me over the edge in record time. Slowly, I pulled my softening cock from her mouth and tucked it back in my pants. "That was incredible, darlin'. With consistent practice, you're going to be one good cock sucker." A dribble of cum leaked out of the corner of Tessa's mouth. Using my thumb, I brushed it off. "Open up," I murmured, sated.

She did, but she was a mess. A beautiful mess. Her face was mottled red, her eyes were watery and her nose ran. I could see her insecurity at being used thusly in her eyes. Her little pink tongue flicked out and cleaned the cum off. Surely, she needed training.

"Good girl."

"Cole, I can't do that every morning." She sniffled. "I couldn't breathe and there was so much, I couldn't swallow it all."

"I know," I said, my voice soothing as I ran my hand over her silky hair. "It's hard now, but you're going to practice and you'll get better and better. If you haven't learned already, I'm a patient man, and you're doing so well. Now, over to the bar." I pointed to the wall where a bar was mounted. It was similar to a short section of hand railing for a stairway.

"What's the bar?" she wondered, using the back of her hand to wipe her nose.

"It's for you to hold on to so that I can tend to you. It's where I'll take out or put in a cork or plug, perhaps check and make sure you're nice and wet for me. Definitely a place where I can fuck you."

"But...but why now?"


p; "I have to take the cork out," I replied.

Clearly she was ready for the object to be removed because she practically leapt from the bed to stand in front of it.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic