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I didn't answer, I just begged. "Please."

He must have seen the willingness on my face because he began to move. Hard and fast, he plunged into me over and over. He gave me no quarter, no gentle movements, as if telling me this was how it would be from now on. Cole was a contradiction. So tender and worried that he'd hurt me, waiting for me to adjust to being filled by him, but he was also strong, virile, powerful and exacted his power on whomever he placed his focus. And right now, his focus was solely on me.

He shifted his hips on the downward stroke, rubbing himself upon the place that pushed me over the edge. Every time he worked that spot I climbed higher and higher. I didn't know how far I had to go, but I knew what I was reaching for. He'd already taken me there twice, but now, it was so different with his cock rubbing, bumping and nudging places deep inside. When I was almost there, when I held my breath for the final leap, his thumb started to circle it, that hard protrusion that was the source of all my pleasure.

I burst. Colors danced before my eyes and I screamed, my body rigid, frozen in pleasure. Only Cole had ever given me such bliss, such release. Even through it all, he continued to pummel me, working me over and over until all at once, he too, stiffened, his corded muscles tensing and I felt his seed, hot and thick, fill me. Each gush shot into me with a roll of his hips. It went on and on until finally, finally, he collapsed onto his forearms, our breaths mingling.

Slowly, Cole pulled himself from my depths and I felt his seed trickling out in his wake, coating my swollen lips, my back entrance filled with the cork, the sheet beneath me. As he rolled to his side, he cupped my breast, kept one leg over mine and fell asleep. I stared at the ceiling in the darkness, only the moonlight's glow brightening the room, and smiled to myself.

I'd known the basics, but had not imagined the tight fit, the stretching, the ripping pain that I felt at losing my maidenhead. All of those thoughts, all thoughts entirely, had flitted away into oblivion once he’d begun to move. There was no question Cole knew what he was doing, knew how to work my body to please us both. My mother had been in error. If this was how it was going to be in our marital bed, I was the luckiest woman in Montana. With Cole pleasing me, holding me through the night, this was just what I'd always imagined.



After taking a quick nap - fucking Tessa had taken all the energy right out of me - I carefully climbed out of bed, extracting myself from my new wife without waking her. It was hard to do; she was warm and lush and I just wanted to sink right back into her body again. Today was a vast change for her. Multiple orgasms not only made her compliant and sated, it also wore her out. Seeing her sleeping in my--our--bed was not a hardship. Knowing I'd fucked her into exhaustion had me grinning, my male ego cheering.

I gazed down at her alabaster skin, all but glowing in the bright moonlight. I saw the signs of a first fucking; her thighs and the sheet beneath her had a thick coating of my seed tinged with her virgin blood. With her shaved pussy, her lips were visible, all swollen and open. A hint of the cork could be seen. Her long, lean legs had clamped about my sides as I filled her, her hips a nice handful. I couldn't forget her breasts. They were unbelievably generous and worthy of my focus. Just looking at her made me hard once again. This would probably be a constant state.

I knew she'd be a passionate lover. It matched her volatile personality - innocent yet intense, wary yet fiery. I'd worked her body hard; I couldn't help it. Her pussy was so tight and she'd been dripping wet. When she came, her inner walls had milked my cock as if desperate for my seed. And I'd given it to her. I swear I couldn't remember a time I’d come so much. Her body was mine, and now that her maidenhead was gone and the pain with it, I'd take full use of her. The way she responded, she'd crave it. Instead of going to the other room and letting her rest, spending an hour or two working at my desk, I knelt back on the bed, ran a hand down her warm back. I needed her again.

"Come on, darlin'," I murmured, gently rolling her over onto her stomach. "Tuck your legs beneath you."

She didn't awake completely, but complied, so she had her knees folded up under her belly with her head resting on the bed. I stroked her soft skin, creamy gold in the waning daylight, feeling the delicate bumps of her spine. Her ass was facing me, but her pussy wasn't accessible as I wished, so I grabbed pillow and lifted her at the waist to place it beneath her hips. I took her knees and pulled them wide apart. There. Now she was open to me. I slid my fingers from her corked ass, through her cum-coated pussy to her clit, which made her stir and sigh.

Putting my other knee on the bed, I aligned my cock and pushed in with one easy, slow thrust. The mixture of her arousal and my seed made h

er unbelievably slick, very tight with the cork. Even with my large size, I was able to penetrate her all the way to her womb. Tessa arched her back and moaned at the forceful intrusion. I loved to see her awaken because of my cock inside her. She came up on her hands so that she was on all fours, her breasts hanging down so that her nipples brushed the blanket.


"You'll take me, Tessa."

She gasped with each hard thrust. "Yes!"

Her pussy was so tight it all but strangled my cock. Her ass would be even tighter. That thought had my balls drawing up to my body, my cum all but boiling. I pressed my fingers against the hard cork in her ass, nudging her there, testing her response to that kind of penetration.

Groaning, she lifted her head, her black hair tossed down her back like a mane. She stared back at me over one shoulder with her stunned blue eyes, open wide with surprise, but quickly became foggy and unfocused as I nudged the cork in pace with my cock in her pussy. In one, two strokes she came with a scream. Both holes clenched down, squeezing the cum right from my body, filling her even more.

Once I caught my breath, I wiped the sweat from my brow and slowly pulled my cock free, enjoying the sight of my seed dripping copiously from her open pussy. I climbed from the bed and grabbed a cloth, gently cleaning Tessa between her thighs. Shifting her, I put the pillow back and tucked her into bed, climbing in beside her, throwing a leg over her sleeping form once again.


I'd bathed and dressed before Tessa even stirred in the morning, unsure if if she was still asleep because I'd worn her out fucking her or if she was used to waking when the morning was half done. Either way, it was time for her to begin her day.

"Wake up, darlin'," I murmured, kneeling on the bed and leaning over to give her a kiss on her temple.

She mumbled something about waiting for breakfast and rolled away from me.

I grinned down at my sleeping wife, her hair a black cloud over her pillow. "I've got a little snack for you right here," I said, giving her a firm smack on the ass through the sheet.

Bolting upright with a squeal, she looked stunned, yet confused. The sheet slipped off her, exposing her delectable breasts to my view. She gasped and shifted her upper body forward to move off the cork in her ass. Her full nipples thrust forward and tightened as I watched. I hardened against the placket of my pants at the sight.

Wiping her tangled hair back from her face, she turned her head and looked at me. It took two seconds for her wake up enough to realize there was a man in the room and that she was naked. Her eyes flared wide. "Oh!"

"Let's get you up now, darlin'. I've got to get you ready for the day, then check in with Sam and Jake."

Turning her body, she slid so her feet dangled off the bed. "You said …," she murmured, her voice deep and husky with sleep. "You said something about a snack?"

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic