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"Put your hands on the bar and bend at the waist, just like at church."

She looked at me briefly over her shoulder, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, but complied, grabbing hold of the piece of wood.

This was my first glimpse of Tessa at the bar and it was something to remember. Her dark hair fell down like a curtain almost to the floor. Her breasts hung beneath her with ripe nipples ready to be plucked. Her ass was round and heart shaped and her shaved pussy looked used - red and swollen lips with sticky cum and virgin's blood coating her down to her thighs. The small cork in her ass only completed the image that she was indeed mine.

"You are so beautiful, darlin'." I gently worked the cork from her ass. "For doing an exceptional job with your first cock sucking, you deserve a reward." I ran a tip of one finger through her slick folds. She was wet for me. Slowly, gently, I slid one finger into her tight, satiny depths as my thumb worked her clit. Using my other hand, I circled her ass, slick from the ointment and worked the tip of my finger into her there as well. It didn't take long to bring her to the brink, then tip her over. She came so easily and was so responsive, I didn't know if she'd even need the honeymoon pill. The regular, small pill might be all that she required. Her arousal was heightened with barely any help. That certainly stroked my ego, knowing my wife could come from just from a simple touch. And hell, she could set me off with a tentative lick of her tongue. It was a perfect match.

Once she'd recovered from her pleasure, I helped her stand, stroked my hand over her cheek. So soft. "I love to see you come."

Her skin was flushed and heated, her nipples tightly furled. Her hair was a wild tangle. She looked thoroughly sated. Used. An incredible sight.

"Go bathe. When done, come find me and I'll put a cork or plug back in."

Her mouth fell open. "You said I'd get the cork out."

I nodded once. "I did and you have. After you wash, I will put one back in."

"You tricked me," she frowned placing her hands on her hips. I'd seen this similar gesture before when she was clothed, but I was enjoying the naked version much better.

"I did no such thing. I've told you more than once that your ass will be filled from now on."

"Are you doing this to be cruel?"

"Oh, darlin', have I done anything to you that was cruel?" I didn't give her time to answer. "I'm doing this because I have the honor of being your husband. You will accept it because you have the privilege of being my wife. Go on now. Wash off my seed and your blood from your thighs."

She glanced down between her legs and shrieked in surprise, dashing down the hall to the washroom.

Ten minutes later, she found me in the kitchen with my second cup of coffee. Her hair was brushed and tied prettily with a ribbon at the nape of her neck and she smelled like the floral soap I bought for her at the mercantile. So feminine, so alluring. She held a skirt, blouse and corset against her chest. "I can't find my drawers and this corset it strange. It laces in the back."

I took a final sip and put the mug down on the table. "You are very efficient, bringing your clothes with you." I took the small pile and set it on the table next to my mug. "Over to the bar and I'll get your cork in."

She turned to look in the direction I pointed. "There's a bar here in the kitchen?" Her nose wrinkled at the idea.

"They are throughout the house. There's one in the barn, the stable and elsewhere on the ranch as well." I held up my hand when she opened her mouth to speak. "Don't ask anything else. To the bar, please."

She pursed her lips, but complied readily and I tugged her hips back. "Just like earlier, darlin'."

"But breasts," she said, her voice soft and upset.

I studied them, dangling heavily beneath her, the soft nipples pointing toward the ground. "They are perfect and I am immensely pleased to see them this way."

"They are very heavy."

Reaching around her body, I cupped one in each palm. They overflowed around my hand as I kneaded them, then tugged on the nipples until they tightened beneath my fingers. They were as she said: pendulous and heavy. Tessa cried out and pushed her chest down into my hands. "They are very responsive. Sensitive." It made me wonder if she might be able to come from just playing with them.

Letting them go gently, I took a cork from the shelf along with the ointment. I also grabbed another pill Adam Graham, town doctor and close friend, had given to me. Her body was adjusting well to the aphrodisiac; her pussy was slick and wet with her cream and her nipples were clearly responsive. I gently worked the pill deeply into her ass, followed by the cork. Her little pants of breath as I stretched her open had her breasts shifting. When I circled her stretched ring to accept the cork, she groaned. I'd chosen one a tiny bit wider than before where she would clench down on it in a constant attempt at closing up all the way.

Helping her to stand, she shifted her hips and grimaced. "This is extremely uncomfortable."

"It should be. I would be very surprised if it wasn't."

"I won't forget I belong to you, if that's your concern," she replied, pouting.

"I know you won't, darlin'." I looked down at her forlorn face. So used to getting her way. So I would be gentle, accustoming her slowly to my expectations. Still, for her it was quite a bit to take in. No doubt her mother had told her about a husband fumbling in the dark, lifting his bride's nightgown to fill her with his seed until it took. No pleasure for her, no variation. Coming to terms with her own body's reactions would be challenging in itself. "The way you respond to my touch shows me that your body already knows it's mine."

"Really?" she wondered, her eyes wide.

"Have you been kissed by another?" I asked.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic