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"I'll fit and you're going to love it."

That, I questioned readily. Just the sheer size of him had me doubting. "Right now?"

He looked at me with hooded eyes. His pupils had deepened to a whiskey brown and the intensity there was from arousal, not anger at my skittishness. His jaw clenched at one long stroke of his hand on his cock.

"I've been hard like this for ho

urs, seeing you naked, knowing you're mine. But I don't fuck unwilling women."

I sighed in relief, knowing he wouldn't force me. Could I handle something so large?

"So let's make you willing."

My mouth fell open. We stood in front of each other, a little over an arm's distance apart, just looking. Learning.

"Touch yourself."

I lifted a hand and touched my opposite arm as if I were cold.

"Not there." His hand continued to pump his manhood. "Touch your nipples. Make them hard."

I lifted my hands to my breasts, ran them over the smooth skin, now remarkably sensitive, to the very tips. They brushed against my palms and I felt a heat so intense, it was like a lightning strike that shot right to the place between my legs. I looked down, surprised, and saw my nipples tighten. I moved my hands away, stunned at the sensation.

"They're so pretty, darlin'. So ripe and full."

I glanced up at Cole through my lashes. "You really like them? As I said before, they're so...big."

One eyebrow went up and he grinned. "I'll have to keep reminding you then that I like big. More than a handful. Now come over here so I can touch them."

He wasn't horrified by them. He wasn't laughing at me. By the lusty glint in his eye, I'd say he really was pleased with my breasts. So I took the steps between us and let him touch them. But it wasn't exactly touching that he was doing. His gaze lowered to watch his hands upon me. They moved gently, softly, reverently even, circling a finger in ever smaller circles until the calloused tip touched my nipple. Again, the lightning strike of pleasure. But this time, it wasn't enough and I stepped forward into his touch so he could take more, press more. Feel more.

He lifted his other hand so he caressed both breasts at the same time, lifting them, kneading them while his thumbs continued their ministrations on my tightened nipples.

My head fell back. I couldn't help it. Nothing, and I mean not even my grandmother's chocolate cake, was this good, this decadent.

"Cole, I...oh God," I moaned. I stumbled in my pleasure and my belly bumped against his erection. I heard him hiss. Before I realized it, he'd turned me until the backs of my legs bumped the side of the bed and he lowered me down onto the soft blanket, following me so that he was propped up on a forearm. One hand continued to stroke my breast as he lowered his head to kiss me.

This was our first real kiss; the one at the wedding was chaste and modest. Over before it even began. This, now this was a kiss! His mouth settled over mine boldly, his tongue working at the seam of my lips, plundering its way inside. The man could kiss. Jimmy Redbacher had pressed his lips to mine when I was twelve, but he'd been just a boy. Cole was all man. Kissing Cole was like nothing I'd ever imagined.

Just his mouth on mine had me writhing and shifting beneath him and he placed one of his legs between mine, nudging them wider with his knee. As his tongue worked my mouth, his fingers had found my woman's pussy, and slid over it. It was like he was learning all of me.

"You're soaking wet," he murmured, his breath ragged. He looked down at his hand and watched as I arched my hips up into his ministrations. "I love your pussy all bare like this."

The heat built, the tingling mounted, this...feeling grew and grew with every brush of his finger through my wetness. One finger rimmed my opening just like earlier, then slipped inside and I cried out. I couldn't help it. He bumped into that spot, that place deep within me that made me...need.

"I can feel your maidenhead." He slipped a second finger in to join the first and the tightness made me wince, but just for a moment. "It's in my way."

"Oh, Cole," I gasped. It was almost a beg. He'd done what he'd set out to do. I was now very much willing.

He moved between me completely and I felt his hard length nudge against me. There. Perhaps hard wasn't the proper word. It felt huge, like a club that was going to ram me. The most frightening thought in my head wasn't that he was going to fill me with it, but that he might not. I wanted it. Needed it buried deep. I wanted to feel the way I had when he'd worked me with his fingers in the church and when he'd had his mouth upon me.

It was happening again, this buildup, this tension. My head thrashed on the soft blanket, my skin flushed and dewy with sweat, my nipples tight and rubbing against the crisp mat of hair on Cole's chest. My hips lifted up into him of their own volition.

Using his large hands, he spread my thighs wide, grabbed his cock and lined himself up and pushed in fully. All the way. In one plunging thrust.

I cried out at the quick stab of pain, my maidenhead's searing finish, then had to shimmy my hips to adjust to being filled. He was large, massive even. I felt torn asunder. And I loved it. Pushing up on my heels, I lifted up so he slid in even farther which had me gasp. "Cole!"

A drop of sweat fell upon my breast, Cole's breaths soughing in and out like bellows as he held himself still. His jaw clenched tightly and his dark eyes watched my face, waiting. Oh, he was waiting for me. "All right?"

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic