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She pulls out her phone and stares at it, then types out a quick, short message.

“Now,” I tell her. “Tell him you can’t wait to get on your knees and suck his cock tonight.”

“What?” She screeches. “Jaxson! I can’t do that!”

“Do it,” I say, using my Dom voice. “Or you’re fired.”

“What the hell? You cannot fire me, Jaxson Thorn. You don’t have the authority.”

I stare at her, waiting her out. If there’s one thing I’ve learned since joining Anchored, it’s that patience is the way to getting what you want: for Doms and subs. People really underestimate its value, which is a pity.

I love getting what I want, and other people should be able to achieve their dreams, too.

Finally, Casey shakes her head, looks at her phone again, and types out a message. She’s bright red, so I know she’s actually doing it.

“Okay. What now?”

“Now, you’re going to take the rest of the day off. You’re going to go home, take a bath, and read these.” I pull a couple of books from the bottom drawer of my desk and hand them to her.

“You just have these in your desk?”

“You’d be surprised what’s in my desk, love.”

Casey takes the books and nods.

“Thank you. I’m sorry I just barged in here and freaked out. I guess I have a lot to learn about this stuff and a lot of thinking to do.”

“We all have to start somewhere. Just remember that Trey is asking you to try something new with him. He’s not asking for a promise or a commitment. He’s not asking you to be his personal sex slave. He’s just asking you to explore something new with him.”

“That’s such a good way of looking at this. I wish…I wish I’d talked to you sooner,” she shakes her head. “I’ve been really struggling with this and I just didn’t know what to do. I guess I was offended when he came to me, like I thought he didn’t think I was good enough for him.”

“Trust me when I tell you that you’re beautiful, Casey. You’ve got beautiful curves and a gorgeous smile. Trey is a very lucky man.”

She bites her bottom lip, and I think of Lily. I wonder if she’d be willing to give me the same shot I’m asking Casey to give Trey. She seemed adamant that submission wasn’t for her, but I’m sure she’d like it.

She just needs the right partner.

“Thank you,” Casey says again. “I’ll go home and I’ll read and I’ll talk to Trey. I feel a lot better now. I shouldn’t have panicked. You’re right.”

“Just talk to him,” I tell her. “And be patient with each other. You both have a lot to learn, and when you’re ready, and if you’re both interested, I can recommend a good place for you two to take some classes.”

Casey nods and thanks me again before heading to her cubicle to pick up her stuff. I shoot an email to her team to let them know she’ll be out for the rest of the day and that they can come to me with any problems or issues they’re dealing with, and then I settle back into editing the articles for a new website we’ve been working on.

The only problem is that my mind isn’t on my work, and it’s not on Casey, and it’s not on Brand First.

Lily has completely consumed my thoughts, and I keep staring at my phone, wishing she’d call.

Chapter 7


“You should just call him,” Christina says.

“Creeper,” I say, not looking up. I can feel her peeking over my shoulder as I stare at the picture on my phone for the millionth time.

Jaxson Thorn.

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy