Page 21 of Heartless

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Then she stopped.

Then she was typing.

Then she stopped.

So, I’d managed to confuse the little minx.


I laughed to myself and put my phone away. Dinnertime couldn’t come fast enough. I was fully expecting the night to be one for the ages. Maybe we’d sleep together or maybe not. All I knew was that Zoey was delightful, and the fact that she’d agreed to go out with me was both terrifying and wondrous. I was excited.

I tried to focus on work, but the rest of the day was a complete waste. I had three meetings and two phone calls and every single thing I tried to do was just not nearly as exciting as seeing her was. I finally left the office at a quarter to six, headed back to my place, and showered and changed. My cat, Percy, sat on the bed and watched me.

“What do you think?” I asked him, adjusting my tie.


“I’ll take that as a positive complement,” I told the little orange cat. I patted Percy on the head, and he meowed loudly. I filled up his food dish, gave him some water, and hugged him tightly before it was time to leave. The restaurant was waiting, and so was my date.



The restaurant he’d chosen was beautiful. We were seated right away in a corner table away from the noise and conversations of other patrons. Something told me he’d arranged this just for us so we could be alone. This was David, so I had a feeling the conversation was going to turn really dirty really fast. Once we’d ordered and our wine had arrived, he didn’t disappoint.

“So, Zoey,” he said. “Tell me how long it’s been since you had a dick in your mouth.”

I smiled at him. David thought he was going to scare me off. Ten years ago, he would have. When I’d graduated from high school and gone off to college, I’d been a shy little bunny. I’d been nervous and scared and I didn’t know what I wanted from life at all.

Then I’d gone to college, and everything had changed. I’d made friends who were sexually charged and who knew how to get a guy to do what you wanted. I learned that I didn’t have to pay for a damn thing. Hell, I learned I didn’t even have to put out. I could just date and enjoy an evening with a guy and that was it. Understanding my own feminine sexuality had been eye-opening, but it had also spoiled me.

By the time I’d gotten to the “first job out of college” stage of my life, I was already bored with dating, and that was problematic. I’d mixed it up by dating couples. I’d tried group sex and I’d tried blind dates and I’d even gotten into a couple of long-term relationships, but everything had been fairly monotonous and mundane when I compared it to what I really wanted.

And what I really wanted was someone like David.

He was blunt, and he was rough around the edges, and he exuded sexuality. This was the kind of guy who would compete with me in bed, and we’d both end up winners.

“Guess,” I said, sipping at my wine.

“Six months,” he said.

“Why six months?”

“You came fast the other night, which tells me you either haven’t been with a lover in awhile or you haven’t been with someone who was good at sex. You’re wet right now, which means you aren’t used to being around people who banter. Your eyes dilated when I asked you about oral, which means you’re attracted to me, and you want me to be attracted to you, as well.”

“That still doesn’t explain where the six-months number came in.”

“Lucky guess. How’d I do?”

“Four,” I said, smiling at him.

“Four months?”

“Four months,” I nodded. “I had a Tinder date that went well. You?”

“I can honestly tell you that I’ve never had a dick in my mouth.”

“You know what I meant.”

Tags: Sophie Stern Romance