Page 20 of Heartless

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I sat back in my seat and leafed through a couple of files that were resting on my desk. Zander had given me a horrible headache, and it wasn’t even noon. What I really wanted to be doing was talking to Zoey.

Saturday night had been epic. She’d fallen apart for me so beautifully, so wonderfully, that I couldn’t quite believe I’d been so lucky as to get to be around her. What was even better was that I’d won the bet, and I’d have the pleasure of taking her out to dinner. We just had to set up a time. I didn’t know how long she was going to be in town for, and we hadn’t finalized plans at the end of the night.

Shortly after the epic orgasm, Felix and Lauren had come to find us. They’d wanted us to make toasts, presumably because Zoey and I were going to be the maid of honor and best man, respectively. They hadn’t officially asked, but we all kind of knew it was coming. We’d made the speeches, had more to drink, and then it had been time to say goodbye.

I wasn’t about to tell my best friend that I’d gone to town on his sister, so Zoey and I had kept a polite and respectable distance for the rest of the night. Now it was Monday, and it was time to figure out what we were going to do next. I got up and headed over to Felix’s office. He wasn’t there, though.

“He went to lunch early,” Tina told me. “He’s meeting his sister.”

And he hadn’t said anything? Interesting. At least I knew that she was still in town. Hopefully she didn’t have dinner plans yet because I was going to need to see her.

And soon.

“Do you have her number?” I asked Tina.

“Why?” Tina’s eyes narrowed as she looked at me. There was a reason she worked so well with our team. She was shrewd and cautious, but she was also wildly observant.

“Because I want to plan an engagement party for him,” I lied. “And since she’s the maid of honor, I want to talk with her.”

“Can’t you ask him for the number?” Tina asked carefully.

“And spoil the surprise? You really think he wouldn’t figure it out?”

Tina sighed and nodded.

“You’re right,” she said. “Lawyers.” She muttered the word like a curse, went to her desk, and scribbled down a number. She thrust the piece of paper at me. “You didn’t get it from me.”

“Of course not,” I agreed. “Definitely not.”

When I got back to my office, I pulled my phone out. If Zoey and Felix were actually at lunch, I didn’t want to call, but I’d still text her while they were together. He wasn’t going to be going through her phone or anything like that. She’d be able to see the message and respond discreetly if she wanted to.

DAVID: You owe me dinner, princess.

I sent the text without thinking too hard about it. I wasn’t about to let Zoey slip by me. I also knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t going to leave me hanging. If she didn’t want to eat dinner with me anymore, she’d let me know. Zoey wasn’t exactly a snake when it came to relationships.

I settled down to work on Zander’s case. I started typing, coming up with our next steps, and before I knew it, I was lost in the case. Lunchtime came and went, but still, I worked. Shortly after 2PM, a text came in from Zoey.

ZOEY: I’m free tonight. You down?

I smiled at my phone. Was I down to have dinner with the most beautiful girl in the state? Yeah. I was down.

DAVID: 7PM. I’ll pick you up.

ZOEY: What should I tell my brother?

DAVID: Whatever you want. You’re catching up with an old friend? You’re going to blow his bestie? Whatever floats your boat.

I was only half-joking. I wasn’t going to bring up the fact that Zoey and I were going out, but if she was ready to tell Felix, I wouldn’t protest. Zoey was a big girl. She knew what she wanted to say, and she knew how much she could handle. If she felt like the time was right to tell Felix about us, then I’d respect that.

ZOEY: Funny.

DAVID: I’m glad you think so.

ZOEY: I definitely don’t think so. How should I dress?

DAVID: In something that makes your tits look great. I’m planning on sucking on them.

I stared at my phone and the three little dots that let me know she was typing.

Tags: Sophie Stern Romance