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“No,” I said adamantly, needing him to understand. “That’s not it at all, Brock. It’s just … I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like in a parallel universe that would be me in there, pregnant with his baby. And it’s not about Scott, it’s just that I feel like I’ve been forced to take steps back in my life, and it’s no longer on track.”

“You want kids.” It was a statement, not a question.

“Yes, I do,” I replied honestly. “But, Brock, I promise, my feelings for Scott have long passed. I’m falling for you, and the way I feel for you, I’ve never felt for anyone else. Ever.”

Brock closed his eyes and rested his forehead on mine, as if he

was trying to regain his composure, before opening them and hitting me with his brilliant green gaze. “I’m right there with you, babe.”

I reached up, as he leaned down. Our lips met and we conveyed our feelings for each other in a kiss that made me wish we were somewhere other than Shelly’s back porch.

“You ready to go back in?” Brock asked when he pulled back a few inches.

I gave him a nod and a smile, then accepted his offered hand and allowed him to take me back inside.

We found a couple of empty spots on the couch next to Gwen, Gaby’s younger sister, and sat down.

“Hey, Gwen,” Brock said to the pretty girl as he sat down and leaned in to hug her to his side. “How’re things?”

“Okay,” she replied, her smile unconvincing, She looked around him to say hello to me, and I responded in kind.

“Just okay?” Brock asked, his voice concerned.

“I feel like school is never going to start, and I’m ready to get out of here.”

“Why don’t you get a job, or hang out with your friends?”

“No one’s going to hire me for a few weeks, and most of my friends either have jobs, or are away on vacation. I’m just biding my time until it’s time to head off to USC.”

“Well, if you’re bored, and you do want a job, I’m sure we can find stuff to keep you occupied at the office,” Brock said, gesturing toward me. “Victoria has a lot going on this week with the redecoration, and I’m sure she could use an extra set of hands. And I know, once the furniture is in place, someone to organize my files would be a huge help.”

“Really?” Gwen asked eagerly.


Gwen smiled and gave him a hug. It was obvious that they’d formed a bond when he’d dated Gaby, which was confirmed when she lowered her voice and said, “I still haven’t forgiven Gaby for what she did to you.”

My heart lurched at the vulnerability in that statement, and I watched Brock’s face fill with a mixture of love and concern.

“Oh, Gwennie, please don’t freeze your sister out over me. I’m great. In fact, it really was all for the best. Gaby and Scott are happy, and I’m dating a wonderful woman.” They both turned to smile at me, but Gwen wasn’t convinced.

“It was wrong, what they did,” Gwen replied, her body tight with indignation. She looked so young, sweet, and determined, that I wondered what had made her conviction so strong at such a young age. “Sneaking behind you back.”

“Baby girl,” Brock said gently, bringing his hand up to brush a long blonde lock from her face. “Don’t hold a grudge on my account. Your sister and I are good. Scott and I are good. They only one still holding on is you, and you don’t need to be. She’s your sister, and she loves you. You know that. Plus, you’re about to be an auntie.”

Gwen’s eye’s got round and her mouth dropped, and at the same time I realized that Brock had broken news that was not his to break, he did too.

“Shit,” he said softly.

Gwen looked around until she found Gaby, standing next to Scott and smiling happily up at something he was saying.

“Gaby’s pregnant?” Without waiting for a reply, Gwen shot off the couch and over to her sister, her arms wrapping reverently around her waist as she hugged her.

I could tell that things must have been hard between the sisters for a while when Gaby’s eyes closed as she hugged Gwen tightly to her. Not wanting to intrude on their moment, my eyes crossed the room and settled on Craig, who was standing next to his brother, Cal, with his eyes glued to Gwen in Gaby’s arms.

I didn’t have time to wonder over Craig and Gwen, because Brock was currently beating himself up over revealing Gaby’s pregnancy.

“What a moron,” he was mumbling to himself, so I put my hand on his thigh and squeezed.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance