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Sasha’s face had grown hard, and I dipped my head as I tried to gather my courage and keep the tears that were burning the back of my eyes from falling.

Once I had my emotions under control, I continued, “You were right.” At this Gaby’s expression grew sad, and Sasha’s, thoughtful. “Scott and I weren’t right for each other. We were happy, in the beginning, but deep down we both knew that we didn’t belong together. In fact, I’ve come to realize that we brought out the worst in each other, and I’m sorry for that, because I truly to think Scott is a great person, and I did love him, just not in the way that a man and woman who are engaged to be married, should. So, I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I can’t change the past, but I hope that you’ll give me a chance now, if not for me, for Brock. You are all important to him, and he is important to me, so I’d like to remedy our past, and get to know you now.”

Gaby struggled to hold back her tears, and I knew from her earlier greeting that she was open to giving me a shot. I turned to Sasha, who still appeared to be processing what I’d said, then came to a conclusion and said, “You can stuff the deviled eggs.”

I let out a breath that I hadn’t realized I’d been holding, and smiled widely at her, relieved and happy that they were letting me in. Whether it was for me or Brock, it didn’t matter, but I was thankful that they were kind enough to make the effort.

I was making deviled eggs when I saw Brock wrestling my large package through the door to place it with the other presents. I may have gone overboard. Not only was I eager to be accepted, but I loved shopping, especially for babies. As he walked, he surveyed the room, stopping and inclining his head when he caught my eye. My heart turned, aching with the realization that he was looking to make sure that I was all right. I knew that he’d spoken the truth earlier. Although he was here for his friends, if I was uncomfortable, he’d leave, no questions asked.

As I watched him join TJ and Scott in the corner, accepting the beer that Cal offered him, I felt a swelling within me, followed by a comfort that I’d never had before in my life. And I knew … I knew that I’d fallen in love with the man I hadn’t been looking for, the one that I never would have looked at twice, if he hadn’t pushed his way in to my life.

I didn’t realize I was staring and smiling dreamily, until I heard Sasha say softly beside me, “You’re in love with him.”

I turned to her, my denial on my lips, but the hope on her face made it impossible to lie.

“Yes,” I said simply, then I looked past her to Gaby, who, to my surprise, had let out a sniffle and was wiping her eyes.

She caught my eye and sniffled, “I love Brock, and I’m so happy that you guys are happy.” Her words had me reeling, and a sweet softness was burning my belly when she muttered, “Stupid hormones.”

Sasha turned to her, her movements slow and deliberate, her face full of shock.

“What did you just say?” Sasha whispered to Gaby.

Gaby’s eyes widened and she shook her head. “Nothing.”

“What’s going on?” Shelly asked as she walked in the room, surveying our expressions.

Sasha ignored Shelly, her eyes still on the blonde-haired beauty.

“Are you pregnant?” Sasha asked. I watched as Shelly brought her hands to cover her mouth, her eyes wide with excitement.

Gaby looked at all of us, then leaned in to say conspiratorially, “Yes, but don’t say anything, we want this day to be about your baby, not about us.” Her eyes on Shelly, she added, “We were planning to have you guys over sometime next week and spill the beans.”

Uncaring about Gaby’s request to keep quiet, Shelly let out a shriek and jumped up and down excitedly.

“Should you be doing that?” I asked, suddenly terrified that she was going to bounce her baby right out.

“What’s going on?” Cal asked, running into the room with TJ, Scott, and Brock on his heels. “Is the baby coming?”

Shelly giggled and slapped Cal playfully on the arm, “We still have six weeks, silly.”

“Then what the hell are you screaming about?” he asked, his concern making his voice tight.

“Gaby and Scott are pregnant!” Shelly said, spilling the beans.

I turned to see if this upset Gaby, but she was grinning at Scott, who was looking back at her with adoration. Suddenly it hit me. Not just that Gaby was pregnant, but that she and Scott were having a baby.

I needed air.

I quietly backed out of the room, watching as they all smiled, laughed, and hugged each other, and quickly found the back door, easing out onto the porch. I took a deep breath, and allowed a few tears to fall, before I heard the door open behind me.

I knew it was Brock. I felt his heat and leaned back, accepting his comfort when his arms wrapped around my middle.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his chin resting on the crown of my head.

“Mmmm-hmmm,” I mumbled unconvincingly.

“Do you still have feelings for him?” Brock’s voice was barely audible, but I heard the tension and turned to him, bringing my hands up to cup his face and look directly into his eyes.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance