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“Well, look at you,” he replied, and I knew he was taking in my cap-sleeved cashmere sweater and Dolce & Gabbana jeans. “You don’t exactly strike me as the type to like to get dirty, let alone go out and do it on purpose.”

I whipped my head to Brock, who was watching me quietly. Whether he was waiting to hear my answer or to see how I’d handle the situation, I had no idea, so I came up with an excuse. “I don’t have anything appropriate to wear.”

This was the honest truth. I didn’t have any “play” clothes.

“You can wear something of mine,” Brendan piped in, smiling at me as he popped a garlic knot in his mouth. “I’m sure I have some jeans and tees that would work.”

I had noticed that Brendan wore his clothes tight, and they probably would fit … So I took the challenge on Brady’s face and said, “Alright, I’m in.”

I flushed with the look of pleasure that crossed Brock’s face, and decided to turn my attention to eating the amazing food in front of me.

“This is so good, Brendan,” I praised, practically groaning as I took a bite.

“Thanks,” he replied, then addressed his brothers. “I’ve got us a gig next Friday night, that work for both of you?”

They both said it did, then the three of them talked music for a bit. Once dinner was over and we cleaned everything up, Brady headed back to his house, and Brendan disappeared into his room.

I was following Brock, suddenly nervous about being alone with him in his bed. I knew I was being silly, since he’d already slept over at my house, but I couldn’t help the nerves that were fluttering through me. When we got to his room, he opened his window and said, “Smells

like a storm’s coming through.” Then he turned on some music and paused, his hands at the fly of his jeans.

“Will you do me a favor, Tori?” he asked suddenly.


He opened his drawer and pulled out a black T-shirt with the Whiskey Heat logo on it, then tossed it my way.

“Wear my shirt to bed?”

I held it in my hand, confused, and wondering if he didn’t like the nightgowns I wore. “Why?”

Brock moved slowly toward me, almost like a predator stalking his prey. He brushed my long, straight hair away from my face. “Because I like the thought of you sleeping with my shirt next to your skin.”

My breath caught and my pulse quickened at his words. I didn’t trust myself to speak without giving away the effect his words had on me, so I simply nodded.

He smiled down at me, dropping a quick kiss on my forehead, before stepping back and beginning to undress.

I turned and let myself into his master bathroom to wash my face and change into the shirt. Once my face was scrubbed and I had on his band shirt, which actually hit beneath my knees, covering more than my nightgowns did, I pulled back my hair into a ponytail and looked around the bathroom.

It could use a little updating, but it was surprisingly clean for a man’s bathroom. I looked at a cupboard and drawers, then back at the door, an overwhelming urge to snoop suddenly popping in my head. I shook it off and forced myself to leave the room rather than invade Brock’s privacy.

When I opened the door, Brock was already laying in bed, a few pillows stuffed behind his head. He had one leg thrown out and over the covers, and one arm behind his head. His eyes were closed as he listened to the music and maybe the rain that had started falling outside. He looked so peaceful, and so handsome, that he took my breath away.

I shuffled quietly over to the bed, smiling when Brock opened his eyes and turned his head slightly to watch me. I turned back the covers and eased myself into bed. His free arm reached out to pull me closer, so I settled in and laid my head on his chest. I brought my hand up to rest on his hard stomach, tracing my fingers gently over his skin, as I relaxed against him.

I warred with myself internally for a few minutes, gathering my courage to ask, “Brock?”


“How would you classify what we’re doing?”

“What do you mean?”

I sighed heavily, wishing he could just read my mind and make this easier for me.

“Well, when I initially gave you your fifteen minutes, you said you were looking for fun, that you wanted to explore our chemistry. Now I’m eating dinner with your brothers, and essentially spending the weekend with you. I don’t know if I’m making assumptions, but it seems to me that things have changed.”

I closed my eyes tightly as I waited for his response, half expecting him to throw me out of his bed, but I felt his hand come to my chin and lift my face toward his, so I slowly opened my eyes.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance