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“Relationships are made up of more than what people like to eat and drink,” I replied haughtily. “Your brother is strong, funny, and one of the most caring people I’ve ever met. You may be correct in your superficial assumptions of where I come from, but Brock challenges me to try new things, and I like that.”

The red haze cleared from my vision, and I noticed both brothers grinning at me.

“You’re pretty hot when you get pissed,” Brendan said on a laugh.

“Yeah, Brock must have his hands full,” Brady added.

My first instinct was to lash out at them both and bolt, but I was stopped when Brock’s hand came to my shoulder, pressing down slightly to hold me in place.

“Easy, Tori.” His voice was a low rumble in my ear. “They’re just having fun with you, they don’t mean anything by it.”

I breathed in deeply, and worked on calming myself down, when Brock said, “Alright, guys, that’s enough. Victoria doesn’t have any brothers, so she doesn’t realize that you’re just fucking with her.”

“No offense meant,” Brady said, his smile soft as he held up his hands.

I nodded and gave him a small smile, realizing I was going to have to get used to full-grown men teasing me if I wanted this thing with Brock to go anywhere. It wasn’t something I was good at judging, and I finally grasped that the reason I’d never been able to get along with TJ when Scott and I were together was because I never knew if he was joking or serious, and I chose to take offense at everything he said.

I needed to do better with Brock, because I knew if I couldn’t get along with his brothers, we had no chance at a future.

“Let’s eat!” Brendan exclaimed, carrying the steaming dish into the dining room.

Brock helped me off the stool and we followed him out of the room. I sat down at the already-set table, impressed by the fact that these men sat down for dinner, rather than just sitting in front of the TV with paper plates. Although, this could all be for my benefit. Either way, I was impressed.

Brock walked out, coming back a few seconds later with a beer, and I smiled at the knowledge that Brock was going to drink beer while the rest of us had wine. I don’t know why it made me smile, maybe because Brock was genuine. He wasn’t going to act like someone he wasn’t, no matter what the circumstance.

“So, Brendan, I believe you know my sister, Abigail.” I was eager to find something to discuss with Brock’s brothers and this seemed like a good place to start.

Brendan looked up from plating his food, a long, dark piece of hair coming untucked from his ear and falling in front of one eye.

“Yeah, I know Abby. I didn’t realize you were sisters,” he said, brushing the hair back from his face. “She’s a fun girl.”

I frowned momentarily, wondering what he meant by that, but before I could comment Brady cleared his throat and asked, “How’s everything going with the redecoration, Victoria? Still on track for Monday?”

I turned to him with a smile, happy to talk about what was currently my favorite subject.

“Yes, it’s all going according to schedule. They’ll start with the carpet on Monday, and I hope to have everything in place and ready for you all to move back in by the end of the week. The following Monday at the latest.”

“Cool, I’m on tap to help the guys move stuff out on Sunday. You gonna be there, Brock?” Brady asked his brother.

Brock took the dish from Brendan and began heaping some ziti on his plate. I tried not to stare, but I couldn’t imagine consuming that much food in one sitting. He passed it to me and replied, “Victoria and I have this baby thing on Sunday, but I’ll stop by after, see if you still need help.”

Brendan started laughing, and had barely finished chewing when he muttered, “I can’t believe you’re going to a baby shower. Victoria, you have to get pictures, preferably of Brock wearing a bonnet, or whatever stupid shit they make you guys do at these things.”

“Suck it,” Brock replied good-naturedly. “It’s for Shelly and Cal, or else there would be no way in hell I’d be going to this thing.”

“Whatchya got tomorrow?” Brady asked, taking the ziti from me to fill his plate.

“I was thinking we could take Victoria mudding,” Brock responded, causing me to pause before taking my first bite.

I turned to him, noticing Brendan’s shocked face, and asked, “Mudding?”

I didn’t know what it was, but based on the title alone, I doubted it was something I would enjoy.

“We take out four-wheelers out and run them through the mud,” Brock said simply, a devilish smile playing on his lips.

Before I could protest, Brady shouted, “There is no way that Victoria here is the type of girl who wants to go mudding.”

Even though I’d just been thinking the same thing, my back straightened and I turned to glare at Brady. “And why is that?” I asked.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance