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Olivia and I made our way to the patio where Mom stood off to the side of the makeshift bar, chatting with her best friend, Eloise. They had been friends since we were kids, and my brothers and Eloise's boys played soccer together. Her sons spent as much time at our house as they did their own growing up. Mom and Eloise liked to joke that they shared custody of them all.

"Nicole, you look lovely," Mom said, pulling me in for a hug before passing me to Eloise, who also gave me a hug. Being the only girl among five boys had ensured that I was treated differently. Eloise always considered me the daughter she never had. She loved taking me shopping when I was younger and designated at least one day a month as "girl time." She was worth admiring since her husband walked out on her and the boys ten years ago and she finished raising them on her own. To this day, their sons Ryan and Hunter hadn't forgiven their father for hurting their mom.

"Hey, Eloise. How's the gardening going?"

She rolled her eyes. "Don't ask. Whatever possessed me to think I'd have a green thumb when I can't even keep a houseplant alive is beyond me."

"Maybe you should hire a hot young landscaper to help you out," Olivia piped in, winking outrageously as she poured herself a glass of wine. "Or give up gardening altogether and just hire yourself a pool boy."

Mom and I both laughed when Eloise blushed brightly. She had never recovered from her husband's betrayal. We had all been trying to nudge her into the dating pool for years.

"I'd have to get a pool first," she finally tittered.

"That's just a technicality," Olivia laughed, taking a sip of her wine.

The patio became crowded as more of the party guests made their way to the bar.

"Hey, look who it is." My ears perked up at the sound of my brother Riley's voice. I was about to turn around, thinking that he had been talking to me. "You might need to take off your shirt for us," he laughed. "You know, give us a little flex."

An achingly familiar laugh drifted my way. I shot daggers at Olivia, who was suddenly too busy to look at me. Surely she wouldn't do this to me. As my friend, she should automatically be on my side when something went wrong with a guy. Just like I'd do for her. It was the friendship code.

"Hey, Riley, it's good to see you again."

"You too, Alec."

Chapter Twenty

The hole in my heart that had been held together by a haphazard Band-Aid felt like it was bleeding.

"And who is this pretty lady?" Riley asked.

And he brought a fucking date? I was in hell. Maybe this was his way of showing he was over me, or she could be a buffer to make sure I didn't try to beg him to take me back. Evidently, he didn't realize I couldn't have begged him even if I wanted to. There was no way I could handle the rejection again. I couldn't take the pain.

The only way I could save face would be to turn around and show him I was the one who was over him. Paste a brilliant smile on my face for him and his slut date. My nonchalance would be enough to prove I was fine. First, I needed to believe all that bullshit myself. Convince my face to accept a smile. Plead with my eyes to not betray me. Channel all the inner help I could muster.

"This little lady is Lily Bell," Alec answered, his voice brimming with pride.

I whirled around so quickly I nearly lost my balance. My eyes peered at perhaps the cutest little girl I'd ever seen. Maybe I was a bit biased because I knew she belonged to him, but no one could deny she had been blessed with some dynamic genes. Her auburn hair hung in ringlets halfway down her back, and her rich brown eyes were highlighted by long, thick eyelashes. She was a striking replica of Alec.

"Alec and Lily, I'm so glad you could make it," Olivia said, stepping smoothly around me while I remained gaping at them.

Alec's eyes met mine. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world. It's not every day my pecs have the words 'New York Times bestseller' written across them." He smiled at me and I tried to return it, but my mouth seemed to have formed an alliance with my broken heart.

"Daddy, what are pecs?" Lily asked, tugging on Alec's arm.

"Uh." Alec struggled for an acceptable answer, looking around helplessly like the words would suddenly magically appear.

Mom leaned in and whispered in Lily's ear, making her cover her mouth, giggling. I noticed she had a purple cast on her arm.

"You have to make sure it's okay with Daddy," Mom said conspiratorially.

"Daddy, can I go make an ice cream sundae with the lady?"

"Sure thing, pumpkin bug," Alec answered, rustling her hair.

Lily laced her small fingers with my mom's and skipped along her side toward the kitchen.

"Hey, I want a sundae too," Riley whined, following behind. Olivia and Eloise brought up the rear, leaving Alec and me together. The whole thing reeked of a setup. Alec had to know what he would be walking into and yet, there he stood.

Tags: Tiffany King Write Stuff Romance