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“I want that,” Brock stated. He glanced over at Zach. The bruises were faded now, but the yellowish tinge was still evident. “I want to find a woman one day who will look at me like I matter. Regardless of the sh—stuff I’ve been through, I hope I find someone who will still love me no matter what. And I don’t mean in that weird I-need-a-mommy way. I mean a woman I want to spend my life with.”

Zach hadn’t heard Brock speak this much since they met. Granted, that had only been a few days ago, but still. The sincerity in the boy’s tone, the hope that filled his eyes when he spoke of his future, warmed something in Zach.

“You want a family?” Zach asked.

Brock nodded, turning his focus to the threadbare knees on his jeans, where he started picking at a thread. “I know it sounds crazy since I’m so young, but I want a wife and kids. I just want normal. I’ve never had it and that’s all I want.”

“I hope you’ll want an education and a job,” Zach stated, nudging Brock with his shoulder. “Let’s try to keep an order to your goals.”

Brock smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I hear you. I’m just . . . I’m confused as to why you let Sophie go. I mean, you love her, right?”

Zach couldn’t speak for the lump in his throat so he nodded.

“Then why do you think you can’t give her what she needs? I figure if she loves you, then that’s all she needs. Right? I know your childhood wasn’t much different than mine, but I’m not giving up on finding happiness. I don’t think you should either.”

Zach listened to each word of advice given by a kid half his age and wondered how the hell this boy who’d come into his life only days ago could put Zach’s entire messed-up, warped life into perspective so easily.

“I don’t want you giving up.” Zach blew out a breath and came to his feet. “As for me, it’s too late.”

Brock pushed up and cracked his knuckles. “It’s only too late if you’re quitting. I thought you’d be one of the guys who fought for what he wanted.”

Before Zach could reply, Brock walked away. How the hell did that kid add another layer of guilt? Zach wasn’t giving up, he was moving on and setting Sophie free. She was going to be much happier in the long run.

And not fight for what he wanted? He was rebuilding a house for a damn resort and had had to fight to get this ball rolling, hadn’t he? Granted, this was Chelsea’s dream, but still, Zach wasn’t about to give up on this house and he sure as hell wasn’t going to give up on Brock. That boy was looking for someone to let him down, and Zach refused to be that person.

The back door opened and slammed. Braxton’s angry voice sounded through the hall leading to the foyer. Zach heard the name Sophie and knew he was in for it.

Just as Zach headed for the kitchen, he heard Liam call out, “We promised Brock no punching.”

Braxton gripped a folder in his hand as he came down the hall. He closed the gap between them and smacked the folder against Zach’s chest. “These are from Sophie. They’re some images you’d asked her to do. She said she’d try to get the others, but she’s not sure when she can do them. You want to know why she’s not sure?”

Not really, because Zach didn’t want to relive this entire nightmare with Braxton right now. Apparently he’d been to Sophie’s house and it took all of Zach’s self-control not to ask how she was doing . . . which would’ve been an absolutely stupid question.

“She’s thinking of moving.” Braxton shoved Zach back a step. “And as she’s rambling on about relocating and how she’d start her business over in another city, she’s trying her hardest not to cry, though her eyes are swollen and red, which leads me to believe you’re an asshole and you hurt her yet again.”

Moving? What the hell? Where had that come from? She loved it here in Haven and she had a reputable real estate agency. How could she think of leaving?

Life continued to smack him in the face. Every time he thought he was doing the right thing for those he loved, the plan absolutely blew up in his face, leaving him even more scarred than before.

Zach gripped the folder and opened it slowly: flawless drawings by Sophie, images of her late best friend’s dream. Even through all of this, Sophie wasn’t giving up on Chelsea, not giving up on this project, even though she’d let him go.

He glanced through each one and wondered how much time each picture had taken her, what she’d been thinking as she drew. She’d told him she had started drawing when she was recovering from the accident. Had she drawn any of these after he left yesterday morning?

How narcissistic did that make him, wondering if she’d drawn to get over him? Sophie would move on, she’d be fine eventually, and Zach would be . . . in the same hell he’d been in before he’d had her. No, actually he’d be in a deeper level because now that he’d been with her, tasted her, touched her, he knew exactly how amazing they were together and he’d have to live with those memories for the rest of his life.

“If we didn’t have to be in court tomorrow for Brock, I’d kick your ass.”

Zach glanced from the sketches up to his angry brother. “Liam already promised Brock no more punching.”


??d find another way to hurt you,” Braxton vowed, crossing his arms over his chest.

Even with his professor glasses on, Braxton was still a badass who rarely showed his anger. Apparently he saved it for Zach.

“We have work to do here,” Zach stated, closing the folder. “If you want to bitch at me, do it while putting up new Sheetrock in the kitchen.”

Braxton narrowed his dark eyes. “Are you seriously going to stay here and work, knowing Sophie is home crying? Are you that heartless?”

Tags: Jules Bennett The Monroes Romance