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“Hey, Macy,” he answered, ignoring Liam’s narrowed gaze. Whatever was going on there was none of his concern. Zach had his own issues. “What’s up?”

“Is this a bad time?”

Was there ever a good time anymore? “No, this is fine. Did you get a chance to see the ideas I e-mailed you?”

“I did. I actually wanted to discuss when you could get started. I know you’re busy at Sunset Lake, but if we could just discuss a realistic date.”

Zach stepped from the kitchen, away from Brock and Liam to head into the foyer. “Honestly, this project will take several months, but I can start sooner. It may just be slow moving at first, if that works for you.”

“Oh, Zach, really?” Macy’s tone hit that excited-woman octave. At least he could make someone happy. “I don’t want to pressure you. I know we’re friends, so I’m fine waiting, but if you can start sooner, that would be amazing.”

“I’ll start working on the final designs before we stake off the land.”

“Just tell me what I need to do and I’ll do it.” He could hear the smile in her voice. “Thank you so much, Zach. You’re the best.”

That was rather debatable. “I’ll be in touch.”

When he disconnected and turned, Liam was glaring at him. “Get the hell out of my private conversations. I’m building her a damn house. Chill.”

“Whatever you have going on or not going on with Sophie, fix it.” Liam turned to glance over his shoulder before lowering his tone. “I promised that kid we wouldn’t throw punches and I intend to keep that promise, but Sophie is special. You need to apologize for whatever you did. She’s our friend, she was Chelsea’s friend, and she’s going to be a major part of this project if you haven’t scared her away.”

Zach shoved his phone in his pocket and crossed his arms. “For now, it’s best if I don’t talk to Sophie. You’re more than welcome to call her, or Braxton can, but she won’t talk to me.”

Liam raised his brows. “Are you sure about that?”

“When I left, she told me I was never getting back into her life again.” Zach’s

throat tightened, and his chest felt as if it was being squeezed by a vise. “I’m pretty sure she won’t talk to me if I call her.”

Liam raked both hands over his face, one fingertip lingering a second longer over his scar. “You’ve hurt her. How did you hurt her this bad that she won’t even talk to you?”

“Reality hit me and I broke things off. I can’t be with her, Liam. I just . . . damn it, she can’t have children because of the accident.”

He hadn’t meant to blurt that out, but now that the words hovered between them, he couldn’t take them back. It wasn’t his place to share Sophie’s private information.

“Are you serious?” Liam asked. “And you won’t be with her because she can’t have kids? What the hell, man?”

Shoes scuffed against the hardwood as Brock slowly came into the open area. Zach wasn’t holding back; he had nothing else to hide at this point. He’d lost all that mattered and he had to remember what it was like living without her.

“That’s not the reason I’m not with her,” Zach clarified. “Discovering the truth, knowing all this time she’s had to change the focus of her life because of me, kills me. I can’t give her anything, Liam. I can’t be the man she needs or deserves.”

“That’s ridiculous.” Liam threw his arms out and laughed. “So, what . . . you’re deciding now what’s best for her? Did you even ask what she wants?”

Zach moved over to the staircase and sank onto the bottom step. He didn’t have the energy to fight with Liam, with Sophie . . . with himself.

“Can I talk to him for a minute?”

Zach glanced at Brock, who was staring at Liam, waiting for permission. Liam let out a sigh and nodded. “Sure. I have to head back to Savannah tonight, so I’m going to go get some work done in the kitchen. Braxton texted me a minute ago, and he’ll be here soon.”

Once Liam was gone, Brock came over and sat next to Zach. The old worn jeans and sneakers Zach first found him in were still a staple in his wardrobe, even though Braxton had rushed out and bought him a pair of jeans and a new pair of shoes. At least Brock did have on a different T-shirt, compliments of Braxton’s shopping trip.

“I barely know any of you, but I can’t help but form an opinion.” Brock rested his elbows on his knees and stared down at the scarred wood floor. “This accident that you caused, it left Liam and Sophie dealing with their own shit.”

“Watch your mouth.” Yeah, this kid was like looking into Zach’s own past. “Yes, though.”

“And Liam loves you. He seems to have forgiven you,” Brock went on. “I figure Sophie loves you or she wouldn’t have gone to all the trouble with breakfast the other day. Plus she looked at you like you really mattered.”

Yes, she did. He’d seen that look and now he’d have to keep that memory locked away, only pulling it out when he was truly desperate.

Tags: Jules Bennett The Monroes Romance